Research and teaching profile
I am a Professor of Marketing and Consumption the Department of Service Studies, Lund University. I am also the coordinator for the Consumption, Marketing and Retail research group.
My specialization is Marketing and Consumption. My research explores the interrelationships of consumption, markets, and society. Drawing on STS, economic sociology, and practice theory my work has explored how devices, technologies, and infrastructures shape consumption, marketing work, and the organization of markets. More specifically, I have written on topics such as the digitalization of ethical/sustainable consumption, the organization of alternative markets, how digitalization shapes shopping, green marketing practices, and sustainable consumption. Most of my research addresses issues related to sustainability and/or digitalization.
In the are of sustainability I have for example worked on ethical consumption, the digitalization of sustainable consumption, alternative markets, sustainable retailing and circular consumption.
In the area of digitalization I have done research on e-tailing, mobile shopping, the digitalization of music consumption, digital failure, and consumers data disclosure practices.
I teach in the retail specialization in the Bachelor program. On the master level I teach mainly on the Retailing and Consumption specialization. I supervise both bachelor and master thesis on topics related to my research areas of sustainability and/or digitalization.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Care and circularity: how the enactment of care enables and shapes the circular consumption of clothing
Réka Tölg, Christian Fuentes
(2024) Consumption and Society
Artikel i tidskriftConfiguring ethical food consumers: understanding the failures of digital food platforms
Christian Fuentes
(2024) Journal of Cultural Economy , p.1-20
Artikel i tidskriftMaking the Consumption of Food Circular: The Karma App and the Re-qualifications of Surplus Food
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Maria Fuentes, Jenny Ivre
(2024) Consumption and Public Life , p.119-137
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDigitala plattformar och cirkulär klädkonsumtion: Möjligheter, utmaningar och vägar framåt
Emma Samsioe, Niklas Sörum, Christian Fuentes, Réka Ines Tölg
RapportMaking alternative proteins edible: market devices and the qualification of plant-based substitutes
Christian Fuentes, Maria Fuentes
(2023) Consumption and Society, 2 p.200-219
Artikel i tidskriftThe assembling of circular consumption: A sociomaterial practice approach
Elina Närvänen, Christian Fuentes, Nina Mesiranta
(2023) The Routledge Handbook of Catalysts for a Sustainable Circular Economy , p.535-549
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHow sociotechnical imaginaries shape consumers’ experiences of and responses to commercial data collection practices
Niklas Sörum, Christian Fuentes
(2023) Consumption Markets and Culture, 26 p.24-46
Artikel i tidskriftLiving with digital infrastructures: Shaping the data disclosure practices of consumers
Christian Fuentes, Niklas Sörum
Konferensbidrag: abstractMaking circular consumers: The F/ACT Movement and the agencing of reusing, repairing, renting, and redesigning, fashion consumers
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe
Konferensbidrag: abstractMatkonsumtion under pandemin: Digitala plattformar och nya matpraktiker
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Josefine Östrup Backe
RapportInfrastructuring alternative markets: Enabling local food exchange through patchworking
Christian Fuentes, Maria Fuentes
(2022) Journal of Rural Studies, 94 p.13-22
Artikel i tidskriftOnline food shopping reinvented : developing digitally enabled coping strategies in times of crisis
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Josefine Östrup Backe
(2022) International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research, 32 p.130-150
Artikel i tidskriftSpecial section: Digital platforms and sustainable food consumption transitions
Dale Southerton, Christian Fuentes
(2022) Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29 p.805-806
Artikel i tidskriftReconfiguring food materialities : plant-based food consumption practices in antagonistic landscapes
Maria Fuentes, Christian Fuentes
(2022) Food, Culture and Society, 25 p.520-539
Artikel i tidskriftDigitalizing shopping routines: Re-organizing household practices to enable sustainable food provisioning
Emma Samsioe, Christian Fuentes
(2022) Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29 p.807-819
Artikel i tidskriftMobile shopping from home: Digitalization and the reconfiguration of domestic retailscapes
Christian Fuentes, Jenny Balkow, Hanna Wittrock
Konferensbidrag: abstractRetailing and the re-qualification of goods: How second-hand products become valuable
Christian Fuentes, Lars Hedgård
Konferensbidrag: abstractShopping strategies for times of crisis: The temporary reconfiguration of the practice of food shopping
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Josefine Östrup Backe
Konferensbidrag: abstractDevising food consumption : complex households and the socio-material work of meal box schemes
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe
(2021) Consumption Markets and Culture, 24 p.492-511
Artikel i tidskriftDigitally enabling sustainable food shopping : App glitches, practice conflicts, and digital failure
Christian Fuentes, Olivia Cegrell, Josefine Vesterinen
(2021) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61
Artikel i tidskriftSmart consumers come undone: Breakdowns in the process of digital agencing
Christian Fuentes
(2019) Journal of Marketing Management, 35 p.1542-1562
Artikel i tidskriftUnpacking package free shopping: Alternative retailing and the reinvention of the practice of shopping
Christian Fuentes, Petronella Enarsson, Love Kristoffersson
(2019) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50 p.258-265
Artikel i tidskriftHere today, gone tomorrow: The organization of temporary retailscapes and the creation of frenzy shopping
Anna Spitzkat, Christian Fuentes
(2019) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49 p.198-207
Artikel i tidskriftAgencing ethical consumers: smartphone apps and the socio-material reconfiguration of everyday life
Christian Fuentes, Niklas Sörum
(2019) Consumption Markets and Culture, 22 p.131-156
Artikel i tidskriftSoundtracking: Music listening practices in the digital age
Christian Fuentes, Johan Hagberg, Hans Kjellberg
(2019) European Journal of Marketing, 53 p.483-503
Artikel i tidskriftRetail Destination : Centrum för handelsforskning vid Lunds universitet
Cecilia Fredriksson, Johan Anselmsson, Devrim Umut Aslan, Christian Fuentes, Lisa Källström, et al.
RapportEnabling package free shopping : Reconfiguring a practice and re-distributing agency
Christian Fuentes, Petronella Enarsson, Love Kristoffersson
Konferensbidrag: abstractDigitalisering i handeln: Mobiltelefonen och den fysiska butiken
Anette Svingstedt, Kristina Bäckström, Christian Fuentes
(2018) Framtidens fysiska butik: Digitalisering, upplevelser och hållbarhet , p.47-56
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRetail formations : tracing the fluid forms of an online retailer
Johan Hagberg, Christian Fuentes
(2018) Consumption Markets and Culture, 21 p.423-444
Artikel i tidskriftThe Practice of Slow Travel: Understanding practitioners' recruitment, careers and defections
Christian Fuentes, Anette Svingstedt
(2018) Theories of Practice in Tourism , p.10-28
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSmartphones and the reconfiguration of retailscapes: Stores, shopping, and digitalization
Christian Fuentes, Kristina Bäckström, Anette Svingstedt
(2017) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39 p.270-278
Artikel i tidskriftMobile phones and the practice of shopping : A study of how young adults use smartphones to shop
Christian Fuentes, Anette Svingstedt
(2017) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 38 p.137-146
Artikel i tidskriftMaking a market for alternatives: marketing devices and the qualification of a vegan milk substitute
Christian Fuentes, Maria Fuentes
(2017) Journal of Marketing Management, 33 p.529-555
Artikel i tidskrift'Write something' : The shaping of ethical consumption on Facebook
Niklas Sörum, Christian Fuentes
(2017) Digitalizing Consumption: How devices shape consumer culture , p.144-166
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHandeln rustar för multi-kanal
Jens Hultman, Christian Fuentes, Klas Hjort, Ulf Johansson, Veronika Tarnovskaya
RapportKunniga kunder ställer nya krav på handeln
Cecilia Fredriksson, Anette Svingstedt, Kristina Bäckström, Pernilla Derwik, Christian Fuentes, et al.
RapportMobilshopping : Nya shoppingpraktiker växer fram
Christian Fuentes, Anette Svingstedt
(2017) Handelsstad i förvandling
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPaying with Smartphones : Consumers’ usage of mobile devices at the point of purchase
Carin Rehncrona, Christian Fuentes, Anette Svingstedt
Konferens - annatSustainability Service In-Store: Service Work and the Promotion of Sustainable Consumption
Christian Fuentes, Cecilia Fredriksson
(2016) International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44 p.492-507
Artikel i tidskriftHow Smartphones Transform In-Store Shopping: Shopping Practices, Devices, and the Re-Configuration of Retailscapes
Christian Fuentes, Kristina Bäckström, Anette Svingstedt
Konferensbidrag: abstractPlay a Game, Save the Planet! Gamification as a Way to Promote Green Consumption
Christian Fuentes
(2016) The Business of Gamification: A Critical Analysis , p.144-160
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGreen Marketing Goes Online: Devices, Socio-material scripts and the Making of the Green Prosumer
Christian Fuentes
Konferensbidrag: abstractMaterialiserad moral: smartphones, applikationer och etisk konsumtion
Niklas Sörum, Christian Fuentes
(2016) Kulturella Perspektiv, 25 p.6-15
Artikel i tidskriftImages of Responsible Consumers: Organizing the Marketing of Sustainability
Christian Fuentes
(2015) International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43 p.367-385
Artikel i tidskriftHow Green Marketing Works: Practices, Materialities and Images
Christian Fuentes
(2015) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31 p.192-205
Artikel i tidskriftRisk Stories in the Media: Food Consumption, Risk and Anxiety
Maria Fuentes, Christian Fuentes
(2015) Food, Culture & Society, 18 p.71-87
Artikel i tidskriftManaging Green Complexities: Consumers´ strategies and techniques for greener shopping
Christian Fuentes
(2014) International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38 p.485-492
Artikel i tidskriftGreen Materialities: Marketing and the socio-material construction of green products
Christian Fuentes
(2014) Business Strategy and the Environment, 23 p.105-116
Artikel i tidskriftGreen shopping apps as market devices: materialities, competences and moralities
Christian Fuentes, Niklas Hansson
Konferensbidrag: abstractAtt sälja hållbara produkter: Detaljhandelsföretagens strategier för att skapa mening och värde för kunderna
Cecilia Fredriksson, Christian Fuentes
RapportCultural Retail Strategies Go Online: The socio-material scripts of e-tailing
Christian Fuentes
Konferensbidrag: abstractEnacting Green Consumers: The Case of the Scandinavian Preppies
Christian Fuentes
(2014) Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 6 p.963-977
Artikel i tidskriftSocio-cultural retailing: What can marketing learn from this interdisciplinary field?
Christian Fuentes, Johan Hagberg
(2013) International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 5 p.290-308
Artikel i tidskriftHållbar livsstil och H+: En forskningsöversikt och diskussion
Anette Svingstedt, Christian Fuentes
RapportGreen Marketing at the Store: The socio-material life of a t-shirt
Christian Fuentes
Working paperGröna butiker skapar nytt värde
Cecilia Fredriksson, Christian Fuentes
(2010) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle , p.26-27
TidningsartikelGreen Materialities: Investigating the marketing of a t-shirt (double blind review)
Christian Fuentes
KonferensbidragEnvironmental information in the food supply system
RapportVarumärken som alla andra – En studie av handelns egna varumärken, märkning och hållbar konsumtion
Eva Ossiansson, Christian Fuentes
RapportE-bio ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv - Diffusion och upplevelser inom FHP:s digitala projekt
Christian Fuentes
(2004) Skärpa på e-bion , p.161-216
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