CROCUS - Cultural Spaces and the Conditions of Creativity
The cross-disciplinary network CROCUS focuses on cultural and creative industries aiming to create a dynamic and living environment that strengthens both research and education at Lund University Campus Helsingborg.
Cecilia Fredriksson
cecilia [dot] fredriksson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia[dot]fredriksson[at]ses[dot]lu[dot]se)
Marie Ledendal
marie [dot] ledendal [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se (marie[dot]ledendal[at]isk[dot]lu[dot]se)

Interested in the fashion market - Apply now
The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting (5 hp) and The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (5 hp) are two new courses that will run for the second time spring 2025 at the Department of Service Studies within Crocus' research area. Click here for more information about the courses.
– Our courses aim to provide in-depth insights into how fashion as a creative industry and cultural industry positions the individual in a global world and in an economic, social and cultural context, says Cecilia Fredriksson, course coordinator and Professor of Ethnology and Consumer Culture at Lund University.
'I have used Helsingborg as the backdrop in three performances to discuss socio-economic division and the democratic engagement in Sweden.'
Read more about Jörgen Dahlqvist, Lund University and the others in Beyond Site/Sight's Community on the conference's community page.

Save-the-Date for CROCUS activities 2025
More information about next year's activities will be announced next year.
Until then, Happy Holidays!
For more information about events, see the page News from CROCUS.