News from CROCUS
CROCUS organizes events that connect in various ways to creativity and creative industries. Several of them are open to sign up for.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has participated and co-created all the activities, presentations and discussions we have had in CROCUS during 2024. And what a year it has been, with so many thoughtful and inspiring discussion and meetings, during presentations, seminars, performances, film screenings, exhibitions, and book releases. We had CROCUS first conference - BEYOND SITE/SIGHT, Cultural Spaces and the Conditions of Creativity in June, what exciting three days we had. Applications have been sent, some of which we are still eagerly waiting the responses for. Papers, articles, books, performance, installations, and art pieces have been produced.
A Happy Christmas & New Year, and we are looking forward to seeing you again in 2025!
Upcoming events
CROCUS activities in spring 2025
- More information will come next year.
Welcome to participate!
Interdisciplinarity & Visual Mediation
In this seminar, organised by the ‘Sound, Narrative, Technology’ network and Crocus, we will discuss aspects of interdisciplinary collaborations between artists and research/ers from different fields. Furthermore, we will reflect on how video can contribute to a creative and exploratory process and the meaning-making when mediated in a performance. As part of the seminar, we will also present a film screening as a starting point for further reflection. Finally, we would like to recommend an interdisciplinary performance related to the theme of the seminar, which will take place the weekend before the seminar.
November 11th, Venue: Inter Art Center
13:00–14:00 Towards an unpredictable future
Presenter: Yann Coppier, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
14:00–15:00 Plastic Extension of Music: Muscle Memory
Presenter: Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
15:30–16:30 In Praise of Blur
Presenter: Robert Willim, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University
November 11th, Venue: Panora
17:45 Zonen (Film screening) + Artist Talk
Presenters: Kent Olofsson, SKH, Stockholm and Nina Jeppsson, director
November 12th, Venue: Malmö Theatre Academy
10:00–11:00 Zonen - an artistic journey with Tarkovsky’s film Stalker as guide and map
Presenters: Kent Olofsson, SKH, Stockholm and Nina Jeppsson, director
11:00–12:00 Found material
Presenter: Vanja Hamidi Isacson, Affiliated guest researcher at Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University
13:00–14:00 Adaptation and Self-reflection through Video
Presenter: Jörgen Dahlqvist, Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University
Tuesday, November 12th, Venue: Inter Art Center
14:30–15:30 Red Carpet: a vocal-body composition for Extended Singer and dancer.
Lecture performance
Presenter: Felicita Brusoni, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
Performers: Valentina Sechi and Felicita Brusoni
15:30–16:00 Discussion and Summing up
For more information on the program see the following pdf:
WHEN: November 11-12
WHERE: Inter Arts Center/Malmö Theatre Academy
Register to: jorgen [dot] dahlqvist [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se
Parallell with the seminar, the Performance Dröm/Spel, by Miguel Cortéz and Kent Olofsson is shown. For more information see pdf above.
The ’Sound, Narrative, Technology’ Research Network SNT is an emerging research network between Malmö Theater Academy and SKH, Stockholm. The network is researching sound as performance, dramaturgy and dramatic writing, musical composition and collaborative strategies. Through this initiative researchers and artists meet to develop and deepen the fields that emerge at the intersection between different art practices.
Earlier editions in this seminar series:
- The New, the Mundane and the Relational, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 11-12 April 2024.
- On Integration of Technology, Media and Mediation, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 11-12 October 2023.
- On Orality, Writing and Compositional Practices in Relation to Text, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 13-14 April 2023.
Crossing the border, listening to rurality
On October 16 at 15.15-17.00 we invite you to the autumn's first Crocus research seminar, in collaboration with The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University. It will be an exciting research seminar with guest lecturer Leandro Pisano.
This talk will focus on the 20-year experience of Interferenze / Liminaria, a research project carried out in various rural areas of southern Italy, from Irpinia to Sannio, from Cilento to Fortore, from Molise to the outskirts of Palermo. Pisano will discuss a series of context-specific works created by international artists during a series of residencies in Campania, creating an 'invisible' sound map of voices, places, people and landscapes.
A special focus will be given to the Manifesto of Rural Futurism, a document Pisano wrote together with Beatrice Ferrara in 2019, based on a series of proposals aimed at rethinking rural areas and re-imagining their possible futures, understanding them as complex spaces actively immersed in the dynamics of encounters, flows and fluctuations of contemporary geographies, and critically questioning the modernist discourses of capitalism and metropolitanism in which they are marginalised and considered destined to oblivion. The sound of environments, spaces and landscapes reveals the challenges and territorial transformations that shape the ideologies, infrastructures and biological ecosystems of which we are a part. In this sense, listening practices are used as a way of critically traversing the 'borderlands' of rural territories, challenging persistent notions of 'inescapable marginality', 'residuality' and 'peripherality'.
Leandro Pisano is a curator and independent researcher interested in the intersections between art, sound and technocultures. His specific area of research concerns the political ecology of rural, marginal and remote territories. He is the founder and director of the new arts festival Interferenze (2003) and is frequently involved in electronic and sound art projects in rural areas, including Liminaria (2014-). He has curated exhibitions in Australia, Chile, Italy and Japan. He is the author of 'New Geographies of Sound. Spaces and territories in the post-digital age', published in Milan by Meltemi (2017). He holds a PhD in Cultural and Postcolonial Studies from the University of Naples 'L'Orientale' and is currently honorary research fellow in Anglo-American Culture at the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'.
WHEN: 16 October 2024, at 15.15–17.00
WHERE: LUX, Helgonavägen 3, 223 62, Lund, Room: LUX:B339
No registration is required.
The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University is a research centre tasked with studying sound as a phenomenon as well as sound worlds and sound environments from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives. The Sound Environment Centre has the overall task to act as a university-wide body for research and external engagement in matters concerning sound and sound environments.
Welcome and we hope to see you there!
Save-the-date - Sound and mediated imaginaries
Save the date for this semester's second CROCUS research seminar. This seminar, organised by Crocus and the Sound, Narrative, Technology network, will focus on and discuss sound and mediated imaginaries.
Vanja Hamidi Isacson, Jörgen Dahlqvist, Yann Coppier, Felicita Brusoni, Kent Olofsson & Nina Jeppsson, Robert Willim and Sofie Lebech
WHEN: 11/11 (starts at 13:00) & 12/11 (all day)
WHERE: Inter Arts Center & Malmö Theatre Academy, Malmö
More information will follow.
The ’Sound, Narrative, Technology’ Research Network SNT is an emerging research network between Malmö Theater Academy and SKH, Stockholm. The network is researching sound as performance, dramaturgy and dramatic writing, musical composition and collaborative strategies. Through this initiative researchers and artists meet to develop and deepen the fields that emerge at the intersection between different art practices.
Earlier editions in this seminar series:
- The New, the Mundane and the Relational, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 11-12 April 2024.
- On Integration of Technology, Media and Mediation, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 11-12 October 2023.
- On Orality, Writing and Compositional Practices in Relation to Text, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 13-14 April 2023.
Thanks to everyone who have contributed and participated in BEYOND SITE/SIGHT
As the summer approach, we would like to extend our gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of our CROCUS activities. Your participation and engagement have made these meetings both interesting and fruitful.
And a warm thank you to all of you who participated and contributed to the conference BEYOND SITE/SIGHT. The conference provided a forum for discussing the conditions and challenges facing the culture and creativity sector, as well as creative methods, through panels, presentations and the artwork in the exhibition. We look forward to ongoing collaborations with both former and new contacts that were established during these highly rewarding days. To read an article about the conference, click here.
We wish you all a happy summer and look forward to welcoming you back in the autumn for new activities. Further details regarding the autumn programme will be announces later.
Sign up for CROCUS Conference 2024
BEYOND SITE/SIGHT Cultural Spaces and the Conditions of Creativity
Welcome to the CROCUS international conference on June 12-14, 2024 in Helsingborg. Day two is arranged in collaboration with the City of Helsingborg and Region Skåne.
Program: The panels for June 12th are now published - for that and more information about the program and the conference, see the conference page.
When: June, 12th-14th, 2024
Where: June 12th + 14th - Brandstationen, Helsingborg and June 13th Dunker's cultural center, Helsingborg
Registration to the conference is now closed. We are looking forward to meeting you.
The New, the Mundane and the Relational
On April 11-12, we invite you to two half-days on the theme sound. The talk is held in English.
In this seminar, organised by Crocus and the Sound, Narrative, Technology network, will focus on emerging projects that explore relationships between different disciplines, media and collaborators. The discussion addresses technologies and methods that we have around us all the time, and how these shape our artistic practice and everyday lives. Last, we embark on an afro-optimistic flight into the future.
Thursday, April 11th
Plastic Extension of Music
Presenter: Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
The Mothership is not a Metaphor (on Zoom)
Presenter: John-Paul Zaccarini, SKH, Stockholm
Coffee break
Ordinarily Uncanny – Conceptual Ambiguity and affective Variation
Presenter: Robert Willim, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University
Embodied Composition Techniques for Site-Specific Augmented Reality Performances
Presenter: Marika Hedemyr
Electric Voice Toolbox: a Model of co-creation for Extended Singer and live electronics
Presenter: Felicita Brusoni, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
Two Blind Composers and a Poem
Performance by Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
Excerpts from ”ZONA – Music at the Threshold”
Artist: Kent Olofsson, SKH, Stockholm
During the day
I’m a Good Listener (audiovisual screening)
Artists: Robert Willim, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University & Jörgen Dahlqvist, Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University
Friday, April 12th
The Development of a Multilingual Hybrid Work
Presenters: Vanja Hamidi Isacson, playwright and Daniel Fjellström, composer
Absurd Sounds
Presenter: Yann Coppier, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
Coffee break
The Zone - an Artistic Exploration on Visual Poetry, Beliefs, Love, and Sonic Spaces.
Presenters: Kent Olofsson, SKH, Stockholm
Discussion and Summing up
For more information see the following pdf:
The ’Sound, Narrative, Technology’ Research Network SNT is an emerging research network between Malmö Theater Academy and SKH, Stockholm. The network is researching sound as performance, dramaturgy and dramatic writing, musical composition and collaborative strategies. Through this initiative researchers and artists meet to develop and deepen the fields that emerge at the intersection between different art practices.
If you want to attend, please email Jörgen Dahlqvist at jorgen [dot] dahlqvist [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (jorgen[dot]dahlqvist[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se) to register. Thank you.
Earlier edition in this seminar series:
- On Orality, Writing and Compositional Practices in Relation to Text, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 13-14 April 2023
- On Integration of Technology, Media and Mediation, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, 11-12 October 2023
Book talk about culture and the creative industries
On April 15 at 15:15-17:00, we invite you to an exciting book talk around three newly launched books that all touch on aspects of the creative industries. The talk is held in English.
15:15 Welcome from the CROCUS network
Presentation of the new anthology Creative work - Conditions, Contexts and Practices, editors Erika Andersson Cederholm, Katja Lindqvist, Ida de Wit Sandström, Philip Warkander. Erika Andersson Cederholm (Department of Service Studies, Lunds University) presents the new anthology.
- Erika Andersson Cederholm is Professor of Service Studies at the Department of Service Studies, Lund University. Her research interest is within economic sociology, tourism, and working life studies. Her recent research includes studies of lifestyle entrepreneurship in rural contexts, the role of meetings in organisations, and working conditions in the digital games industry.
- Creative work - Conditions, Contexts and Practices features case studies from the European context, contributors tap into the experiences and practices from creative workers, demonstrating their attempts to navigate a changing environment which affects spaces, identities, and professional roles. Providing an opportunity to expand our conception of what creative work is, the book draws on studies of a range of activities, practices and sectors that are usually included in the cultural and creative industries as well as ones that are more untraditional. See link for more information about the book.
Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Making: Sweden in the European Context
Katja Lindqvist (Department of Service Studies, Lund University) presents her new book.
- Katja Lindqvist, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Service Studies and conducts research on organisation and management as well as policy and governance of and in the cultural field. She publishes and teaches in the field of arts management since the 1990s.
- Lindqvist is the author of the book Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Making: Sweden in the European Context (2024) Palgrave MacMillan. The book discusses development and challenges of implementing policy aiming to support development within the creative field in Sweden and at EU level. In particular, the book traces the development over time of CCI policy and points to organisational as well as stakeholder tensions in making policy happen. See link for more information about the book.
Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets
Lizette Gradén and Thomas O'dell (both from the Division of Ethnology, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University) presents their new book.
- Lizette Gradén is an Associate Professor of Ethnology at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences. Her research includes Scandinavian-American culture and heritage, performance, ritual, and tradition, and cultural heritage making in museums and vernacular settings. She led numerous international research and curatorial projects focused on Nordic and American connectivity.
- Tom O’Dell is Professor of Ethnology in the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences at Lund University, Sweden. His research in recent years has focused primarily upon The Cultural Economy, and the manner in which economic and cultural processes can be understood to be entangled in one another.
- Gradén and O’Dell are co-authors of the book Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets (2024) London: Routledge. Focusing on how museums prioritize and produce content, the book demonstrates how economic issues play an ever-larger role in determining how cultural heritage is being framed and presented in contemporary heritage museums. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted by the authors at seven museums over the course of five years, this book offers an in-depth analysis of heritage museums in Nordic, Scandinavian and North American contexts. It investigates how economic realities, coupled with the cultural contexts in which museums operate, affect how these institutions organize, manage and develop their collections to make themselves relevant in society. See link for more information about the book.
Moderated talk led by Chris Mathieu (Department of Sociology, Lund University) with Lindqvist, Gardén and O'dell about their books.
- Chris Mathieu is Reader in the Sociology of Work and Organisation at the Department of Sociology at Lund University. He is chair of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network on the Sociology of the Arts (RN02), an affiliated researcher at the Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick and research fellow at the Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (LU). Recent book publications include Accomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe(Routledge, 2022 with Valerie Visanich) and The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality (OUP, 2022, with Warhurst and Dwyer).
When: 15 April, 2024, 15:15-17:00
Where: LUX, Helgonavägen 3, 223 62, Lund, Room: LUX:B352
Welcome and we hope to see you there.
Save-the-Date for CROCUS Conference 2024
BEYOND SITE/SIGHT Cultural Spaces and the Conditions of Creativity
When: June, 12th-14th, 2024
Where: Brandstationen, Gåsebäcksvägen 2, 252 27 Helsingborg
More information will follow. You can also follow the update of information on the conference page, see the following page.
On 12-14 June 2024 the cross-disciplinary network CROCUS is inviting you to an international conference gathering keynote speakers, round tables, research presentations, art exhibitions and experimentationaround the theme of cultural spaces and the conditions of creativity.
During the conference we will explore policies, digital and physical places and platforms for culture and creativity, as well as place making, performance and play.
The aim of the conference is to:
- Understand the aesthetics and the role of materiality, emotions, bodies, and senses to reach an understanding of transformations beyond restrictions by reason and measure.
- Capture affects, ambiances, experiences and the tacit knowledge, embedded in spaces and places of transformation with regards to innovation, co-creation and sustainability.
- Enhance knowledge and understanding of activities, practices, models, methods, and tools for and within creative ecosystems.
- Facilitate flows of creative processes, value-creating resources and circular supply chains to gain knew knowledge of how cultural and creative practices and industries can relate to dynamic and sustainable urban spaces and environments.
CROCUS focuses on cultural and creative industries aiming to create a dynamic and living environment that strengthens both research and education. Hence, this conference addresses researchers, artists and practitioners in culture, creativity and the arts to blur the borders between art, design, architecture, social science, and the humanities to produce objects and forms that could be vectors of scientific inquiry, mediation with different stakeholders at a wider scale.
Network members are encouraged to come with ideas for conference streams, sessions, and speakers. Please contact Cecilia Fredriksson and Marie Ledendal for ideas and thoughts.
Prior events from 2023:
THEME MATERIALITY - Seminar on the Role of Materiality
Welcome on December 6th, to a one-day seminar where we will be focusing on materiality from different perspectives. We are interested in the role of materiality, how materiality relates to place, body, emotions and senses, how it relates to practices, methods and creativity.
When: December, 6th, 2023, 9:30-17:00
Where: Brandstationen, Gåsebäcksvägen 2, 252 27 Helsingborg
For registration please email to marie [dot] ledendal [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se (marie[dot]ledendal[at]isk[dot]lu[dot]se) latest on Monday, Dec 4th
All presentations will be given in English.
Morning coffee and welcome
Material culture as historical source of ideas about fashion in life and death in the 17th century
Presenter: Pernilla Rasmussen (Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University)
Rasmussen is Senior Lecturer at the Division on Fashion Studies, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences.
- This presentation gives an example of how the clothed body can be studied as historical source, and how ideas in the 17th century about life, health, and death were materialized in clothing practices in the funerary dress of Peder Winstrup, Bishop of Lund. Peder Winstrup, known as initiator of Lund university, was buried in Lund Cathedral in 1680.
Co-Creative Knitting – explorations of an improvisational practices
Presenter: Marie Ledendal (Department of Strategic communication, Lund University) & Charlotte Østergaard (Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University)
Ledendal is a Textile Designer and Senior Lecturer in Applied Visual Communication. Her research interest lays within materiality and design practices. ØstergaardDanish designer, artist, educator, and PhD fellow in artistic research, in her research costume (crafted materialities) act as a medium to study co-creative processes.
- This presentation presents a collaborative work-in-progress project with the objective of exploring the dimensions of co-creative knitting practices. Drawing on artistic research, we introduce these practices as a playful and improvisational entanglement of human and non-human, resulting in co-constructed knowledge and meaning through performative and textile practices.
Lunch break, with guided tour of Brandstationen
The Materialities of Staging Theatre
Presenter: Jörgen Dahlqvist (Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University)
Dahlqvist is a playwright and director. He is a PhD Student in artistic research at Malmö Theatre Academy since 2021.
- This presentation discusses how different materialities influence the artistic work when staging theatre. The presentation is based on the performance Ibsendekonstruktion II: Brand that premiered in Malmö in the spring of 2023. Through the work with various materialities a manifold of aesthetic choices are made possible on how to interpret and stage a dramatic text. This will in turn affect the audience's experience and meaning making.
Spawning and Probing Verses - The Mundania case
Presenter: Robert Willim (The Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University)
Willim is Associate professor of Ethnology, lecturer in Digital Cultures and artist.
- This presentation will concentrate on how he uses the interplay between materiality, light and sound across different media in his work. Willim will also discuss how he have developed the concept Mundania through art and research and through different forms of expression.
Coffee break
Mediations of effortless accumulation for a polyphonic assemblage
Presenter: Halla Steinunn Stefansdottir (Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University) Stefánsdóttir is an artistic researcher at Malmö Academy of Music her research looks at what sonic thinking can afford through its many material entanglements in our techno-social societies. Recent commissions have linked to the lithosphere as well as sustainable agriculture in the EU.
- This presentation looks at the mediations involved in the creation of a shimmering ornament of silt (Bruton & Stefánsdóttir, 2022), a multi-channel installation and performance work created for the National Arts Centre Orchestra’s SPHERE festival held in Ottawa (CA) in 2022.
Ancestral Dramaturgies: Uncovering Voinha's Migration Journey
Presenter: Iury Salustiano Trojaborg (Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University)
Trojaborg’s doctoral research investigates ways of using performance art as a regenerative socio-political tool to provoke change in the understanding of the lives of immigrants.
- In this presentation Trojaborg analyse how the artefacts of questioning and listening became an important resource during the procedure of uncovering the personal and political reasons behind the migration journey his maternal grandmother Voinha embarked on in 1945 from the Amazon rainforest region to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and further, his own migration journey from Latin America to the Middle East and on to northern Europe, fifteen years ago. How coupling questioning with listening, allowed an oppressed woman to speak for herself, fostering in this way dramaturgies of awareness to feminist empowerment as a means to tackle the colonial and patriarchal ways the Brazilian national identity, among many others, is constructed.
17:00 Closing
For more information see the following pdf:
Welcome on October 11th-12th, to a two-day seminar on technology, media and mediation.
ln this seminar we will discuss methods to integrate sound and image and text. One focus is on what counts as media in this specific practice: the text, music, sound, the live performances of actors’ and musicians’? Or is the art form itself a medium? Another field of interests is how and what is mediated through technology, and what possibilities there are to address societal challenges through technology.
The seminar is a collaboration between CROCUS and SNT.
Sound, Narrative, Technology (SNT) is a network researching audio performance, dramatic writing, musical composition and hörspiel. Researchers, artists and experts within these disciplines meet to develop and deepen the fields that emerge at the intersection, and where the questions and problems take their starting point in narrative, artistic methods and content.
When: 11-12 October, 2023
Where: IAC – Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö
For registration please email to jorgen [dot] dahlqvist [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (jorgen[dot]dahlqvist[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se), latest on Mon. Oct 9th
Wednesday, October 11th
Introducing the SNT research initiative Information of the Crocus research network
Investigation of the Relationships between Text-Music/Music-Text
Presenters: Vanja Hamidi Isacson, playwright and Daniel Fjellström, Composer
Dramaturgy in the X and Y Axes: Temporality and Causality
Presenter: Jörgen Dahlqvist. Malmö Theatre Academy
Lunch break
Evoking Mundania: Magic, Mess and Monotony
Presenter: Robert Willim, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences
The Appearance of Actions: On Rifts as World
Presenter: Annika Nyman, Malmö Theatre Academy
Strategies for the Composed Theatre – Augmented Hörspiel as Method (presented in Swedish)
Presenter: Magnus Bunnskog, artistic director of Audiorama
Artistic presentations & Seminar Bar
Presenter: Robert Ek, Luleå University of Technology
Eldar (Performance, Work in Progress)
Presenters: Teatr Weimar
Thursday, October 12th
Parklife – A Sound Event
Presenter: Erik Pold, Malmö Theatre Academy at Lund University
Audio-Visual Dissonance (presented in Swedish)
Presenter: John Hanse and Jonas Åkesson
Lunch break
“The holms are beginning to emerge”: of media and mediation in the creation of a shimmering ornament of silt
Presenter: Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir
Mapping strategies: Intermedial translation in interface design
Presenter: Robert Ek, Luleå University of Technology
The Transformative Potential of New Audio Technologies in Theatre
Presenter: Kent Olofsson, SKH, Stockholm
16:20-16.30 Summing up
For more information about presentation see the following pdf:
Open lecture
Kalle och Kivik till folket! Om konst, kultur och konsumtion.
Welcome to an open lecture at Kultren i Lund with Cecilia Fredriksson about department stores, design and mass consumption
ORGANIZER: Kulturen i Lund
When: Thursday 28th September 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Where: Kulturen i Lund, Tegnérsplatsen 6, 223 50 Lund
Kulturen has free entry from 5.45pm. The lecture will be in Swedish.
Cecilia Fredriksson researcher in the Crocus network and professor of ethnology and consumer culture at Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, gives an open lecture in relation to the exhibition 'Sven Fristedt - Mästare i mönster' at Kulturen in Lund, where she will talk about the meeting between department stores, design and mass consumption in 1960s and 70s Sweden. A new product aesthetic created new relationships between consumer and product, between designer and buyer. What happened when Sven Fristedt's fabrics took place in the big department stores?
Follow the link to read more about the lecture.
'Bling & Other Breaches in Design'
Members of the Crocus network are welcome to network member Despina Christoforidou's public defence
Organizer: The Division of Industrial Design, Department of Design, Sciences Faculty of Engineering, LTH, Lunds University
Public defence for the academic thesis 'Bling & Other Breaches in Design' by Despina Christoforidou
Research subject: Industrial Design
Opponent appointed by the Faculty is Professor Toni-Matti Karjalainen, Finland.
When: The public defence of the doctoral thesis will take place on Thursday June 15th, 2023 at 01:15 p.m.
Where: Lecture Hall Stora hörsalen IKDC, Sölvegatan 26, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund.
The dissertation will be live streamed, but part of the premises is to be excluded from the live stream.
The public defence will be held in English.
For more information about the presentations see the following link below:
In my thesis work, I have focused on questions such as: How can norm breaches and breachers be used to illuminate blindspots in the design field?
One of the conclusions is that design and designers can be understood in terms of 'in-betweenness/mellanförskap', i.e., neither inside nor outside and at the same time both, thereby providing opportunities to combine and expand different fields. To achieve that, it requires a willingness and ability to handle and manage the friction involved.'
- Despina Christoforidou
Performance 'Community Walk' with Charlotte Østergaard
Network member Charlotte Østergaard are part of Prague Quadrennial (PQ23) program with the participatory performative co-costumed walking-experience Community Walk.
Community Walk is an immersive co-costumed performance experience that invites the audience to participate and encounter costume in a non-traditional way. As a participant, wearing a 'costume for two' (worn over your own clothes), you will be invited on an exploratory and playful “walking journey” through the area of Pražská Tržnice in Prague in a community of other co-costumed pairs (people you may or may not know). In Community Walk the costume acts as a vehicle to create creative and joyful spaces for embodied conversations and entanglements between the wearers.
Charlotte Østergaard is a Danish Visual Artist and PhD student, Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University, working in costume, textile and performance art. She has designed costumes for more than 65 performances, her artwork has been exhibited internationally and her costume-driven performances have been shown at several festivals.
During Community Walk and as participant, you will wear a costume (on top of your clothing) that connect you to another participant and as a co-costumed pair you are invited to explore and test the possibilities of the costume. Each Community Walk has a maximum 20 participants.
Performance or walking dates in Prague during PQ23, duration 1,5 hours (outdoor):
- Sunday June 11, 2023, at 11:00 & 15:00
- Tuesday June 13, 2023, at 13:00 & 16:00
- Thursday June 15, 2023, at 16:00
Register: Everyone that attend PQ23 are invited to join as participants – no skills needed apart from the ability to walk. Participants are encouraged to register to participate in the performance by mail studio [at] charlotteostergaard [dot] dk until the one-day before the day/time that you want to participate. The spot will be confirmed by mail at the latest in the morning of the day that your will participate.
Location: Holešovice Market (the PQ23 venue) in the café located at Hall 11, Prague
Community Walk are supported by The Danish Art Foundation and PQ2023.
Read more about Community Walk here
THEME SOUND: On Orality, Writing and Compositional Practices in Relation to Text
Welcome on April 13-14, to a two-day seminar on orality, writing and compositional practices in relation to text that CROCUS co-organizes with the research initiative SNT (Sound, Narrative, Technology). The seminar explores how understanding from an artistic practice could inform method development in the arts and artistic research, as well as in other research fields. What learning outcomes are there from working with music and text? What are the different strategies in writing for musical composition?
Sound, Narrative, Technology, SNT is a network researching audio performance, dramatic writing, musical composition and hörspiel. Researchers, artists and experts within these disciplines meet to develop and deepen the fields that emerge at the intersection, and where the questions and problems take their starting point in narrative, artistic methods and content.
When: 13-14 April, 2023
Where: IAC – Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö
For registration please email to jorgen [dot] dahlqvist [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (jorgen[dot]dahlqvist[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se) or kent [dot] olofsson [at] uniarts [dot] se
The presentations will be held in Swedish/Scandinavian.
Thursday, April 13th
Introducing the SNT research initiative and information from CROCUS
Text and music in performance – aspects on the interplay between dramatic writing, acting and musical composition,
Presenter: Kent Olofsson
The Augmented Hörspiel – Composed Theatre, Presenter: Magnus Bunnskog
13:00–13:50 Thinking in play, Presenter: Tale Næss
Lunch break
The compositional practice as a playwright, Presenter: Vanja Hamidi Isacson
Device Lectures – part discourse, part distortion, Presenter: Robert Willim
Artistic presentations & Seminar Bar
Artistic Presentation: Egots vibrationer by Magnus Bunnskog
Artistic Presentation: 'Allt vad mina händer grävt upp'
Text: Sima Wolgast & Elisabeth Hjorth. Music: Jörgen Dahlqvist & Sima Wolgast
Artistic Presentation: Fields of Unknowing with Robert Willim
Artistic Presentation: Karlskrona/Malmö by Jörgen Dahlqvist & Kent Olofsson
Friday, April 14th
Writing for a compositional practice, Presenter: Jörgen Dahlqvist
Letter-writing as method: 'Allt vad mina händer grävt upp', Presenter: Sima Wolgast & Elisabeth Hjorth
Lunch break
A Listening Dramaturgy, Presenter: Tanja Hylling Diers
Premises to Create – Investigating “Taste-Based” Biases and Creative Processes of Musicians: An Intervention Study
Presenter: Sima Wolgast & Christine Owman
15:00 Summing up
For more information about the presentations see the following link below:
The first network meeting in 2023 was on the theme of Materiality
Welcome to the CROCUS network meeting on March 17, where we discuss how the concept of materiality circulates in relation to body, material, spatiality, expression and representation, how it can contribute to method development and new ways of reflecting in Visual Communication and Artistic Research in Theatre. Note, that the day will be in held in Swedish, hence the titles below in Swedish, with the exception of Østergaard's presentation.
9.30 - Welcome - Cecilia Fredriksson & Marie Ledendal
9.45-10.15 – Costumes as a kin-making material
Charlotte Østergaard (Costume Designer, PhD student, Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University)
The presentationen will be given in English.
10:20-10.50 – Craftivism – materialitetens roll som mild protest i det offentliga rummet
Marie Ledendal (Textile Designer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic communication, Lund University)
10:50-11:10 Coffee break
11.10-11.40 – Reflektioner kring blandning av fiktivt och dokumentärt material i scenkonst
Jörgen Dahlqvist (Theater Producer, PhD student, Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University)
11.45-12.15 – Discussion, moderator, Robert Willim (Artist, Docent, Division of ALM and Digital Cultures, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University)
12.15 - Closing - Cecilia Fredriksson & Marie Ledendal
When: Friday, March 17, 2023, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
Where: IAC - Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö
Registration is required, please sign up by Tue 14 March marie [dot] ledendal [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se (marie[dot]ledendal[at]isk[dot]lu[dot]se)
To see events from previous years, see the Prior Events page.

Interested in the fashion market - Apply now
The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting (5 hp) and The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (5 hp) are two new courses that will run for the second time spring 2025 at the Department of Service Studies within Crocus' research area. Click here for more information about the courses.
– Our courses aim to provide in-depth insights into how fashion as a creative industry and cultural industry positions the individual in a global world and in an economic, social and cultural context, says Cecilia Fredriksson, course coordinator and Professor of Ethnology and Consumer Culture at Lund University.

Thanks to everyone who participated at CROCUS Conference - BEYOND SITE/SIGHT Cultural Spaces and the Conditions of Creativity
From 12 to 14 June 2024, the cross-disciplinary network CROCUS held an international conference. The event gathered keynote speakers, round tables, research presentations, art exhibitions and experimentation around the theme of cultural spaces and the conditions of creativity.
During the conference discussed and explored policies, digital and physical places and platforms for culture and creativity, as well as place making, performance and play. Click here to read more about the conference.
'I have used Helsingborg as the backdrop in three performances to discuss socio-economic division and the democratic engagement in Sweden.'
Read more about Jörgen Dahlqvist, Lund University and the others in Beyond Site/Sight's Community on the conference's community page.
CROCUS - a flourishing network
"The network's ability to quickly mobilise researchers means that when an opportunity arises, we can act immediately", says project leader Cecilia Fredriksson from the Department of Service Management and Service Studies.