Publikationer / Publications
Slutrapporten / Final report
Hultman, Johan & Corvellec, Hervé (2014)Organisering av avfallstjänster för ett hållbart samhälle: En fallstudie av avfallshantering 2010-2013. Helsingborg: Institution för service management och tjänstevetenskap, Lunds. With a summary in English. Link to pdf.
Vetenskapliga publikationer / Scientific Publications
Alla publikationer kan erhållas från författarna. / All publications available from the authors.
Zapata Campos, María José, & Zapata, Patrik. (2014). The travel of global ideas of waste management. The case of Managua and its informal settlements. Habitat International. 41 (January 2014) s. 41-49. Link to publisher.
Zapata Campos, María José, & Zapata, Patrik. (2013) Urban waste: closing the system. In Leonie J. Pearson, Peter Newton and Peter Roberts (Eds) Resilient Sustainable Cities. London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Link to publisher.
Hervé Corvellec, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata (2013) Infrastructures, lock-in, and sustainable urban development: the case of waste incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan Area, Journal of Cleaner Production, 50 (1): 32–39. Link at publisher. Working paper available here. The article has been reviewed in Danish (link).
Zapata Campos, Marià José and Zapata, Patrik (2013) Switching Managua on! Connecting informal settlements to the formal city through household waste collection. Environment & Urbanization 25(1): 1-18. Link at publisher. Flashed by UN Jobs.
Corvellec, Hervé (2012) Normalising excess: An ambivalent take on the recycling of food waste into biogas, Research in Service Studies, Working Paper No 15, November 2012. Full text available here.
Zapata Campos, María José and Hall, Michael (Eds) (2013) Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices. Bristol: The Policy Press. Link at publisher.
Zapata Campos, M.J. and Hall, C. M. (2013) Introduction: narratives of organising waste in the city. In Zapata Campos, María José and Hall, C. Michael (eds) Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices, Cha. 8, pp 1-18. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Zapata Campos, María José (2013) The function of urban waste infrastructure as heteropias of the city. In Zapata Campos and Hall, Michael (Eds) (2013)Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices, Cha 3, pp 41-59. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Zapata, P. (2013) Waste in translation: global ideas of urban waste management in local practice. In Zapata Campos, María José and Hall, C. Michael (eds)Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices, pp 83-96. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Corvellec Hervé & Johan Hultman (2013) Waste management companies: Critical urban infrastructural services that design the socio-materiality of waste. In Zapata Campos, María José and Hall, C. Michael (eds)Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices, Cha. 8, pp 139-155. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Hall, C.M. and Zapata Campos, M.J. (2013) Conclusions: framing the organising of waste in the city. In Zapata Campos, María José and Hall, C. Michael (eds) Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices, pp 223-235. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Zapata Campos, M.J. and Zapata, Patrik (2012-06-28, first published online) Translating Aid Development into City Management Practice, Public Administration and Development, 33(2): 101-112. Link at publisher.
Zapata Campos, María José and Zapata, Patrik (2012) Changing La Chureca. Organising city resilience through action nets, Journal of Change Management, 12(3), 323-337. Link at publisher.
Hultman Johan and Corvellec Hervé (2012) The waste hierarchy model: from the socio-materiality of waste to a politics of consumption. Environment & Planning A.44 (10), 2413 – 27. Link at publisher. The working paper leading to the paper is available here. A conference presentation is available here.
Corvellec, H., Bramryd, T. (2012) The multiple market-exposure of waste management companies: A case study of two Swedish municipally owned companies.Waste Management. 32(9): 1722-1729. Link at publisher. Click for a presentation at the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 3 - 7 October 2011, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy that have been leading to this paper
Corvellec, Hervé, and Hultman, Johan (2012), From ‘Less Landfilling’ to ‘Wasting Less’: Societal narratives, socio-materiality, and organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(2), 297-314. Link at publisher. The working paper leading to this paper is available here.
Corvellec, Hervé, Bramryd, Torleif and Hultman, Johan (2012), The business model of solid waste management in Sweden – A case study of two municipally-owned companies, Waste Management & Research, 30(5), 512-518. Link at publisher. The working paper leading to this paper is available here. OnlineFirst.
Övriga publikationer / Other publications
Corvellec, Hervé, Bramryd, Torleif and Hultman, Johan (2011) Konkurrenslagstiftningen hotar utvecklingen (Legislation on competition threatens development), Avfall och Miljö, Vol. 25, Nr. 3, p. 25. Link at publisher
Working papers
Corvellec, Hervé (2012) Normalisg Excess: An Ambivalent Take on the Recycling of Food Waste into Biogas. Research in Service Studies, Working paper No 15, Link.
Hultman, J. & Corvellec, H. (2011) The waste hierarchy model: disassembling and reassembling the socio-materiality of waste, Research in Service Studies, Working paper No 5, May 2011. Link
Studentuppsatser / Students' essays
Jesper Andersson, Luca Candiani & Jacob Löfving. 2011. Avfallstudie - kring effektivt kunddeltagande.Kandidatuppsats, VT2011, Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds universitet. Ladda ner
Rosanna Lindström, Kristina Nilsson & Sara Nilsson. 2011. Intern kommunikation för att verkställa ett avtal inom avfallssektor. Kandidatuppsats, VT2011, Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds universitet. Ladda ner
Emelie Klasson, Maria Nilsson & Emma Sahlé. 2011. Jag är bara glad att någon vill ta skiten - villaägarnas berättelser om avfallshanteringen. Kandidatuppsats, VT2011, Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds universitet. Ladda ner
Jonathan Alsvold, Jonas Persson & Christian Wallman. 2012. Vad utgör en kompetent sophämtare? – En fallstudie i samarbete med representanter för yrkeskategorin och aktörer i dess närhet.Kandidatuppsats, VT2011, Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds universitet. Ladda ner
Övrigt / Miscelaneous
Presentation, NSR dagen, 29 november 2011.
Presentation, SYSAV dagen 29 april 2011.
Presentation, NSR FoU dagen, 21 november 2012.
Corvellec, Hervé, and Hultman, Johan (2012) Managing the politics of value creation – The case of waste management services. American Management Academy SERVSIG 2012 (Standing research group on services), Helsinki, June 2012. Click here for the presentation slide show
Presentation at Renova's research day, March 12, 2013
Presentation for NSR's Board of Directors, May 31, 2013
Presentation of the project made at Borås University, September 30, 2013
Presentation made for logistics studnents, Dept of Service Management, Lund University, October 2013