Emma Samsioe’s research interests are in the areas of consumer behaviour, digitalization and sustainability, and she specializes in research on consumer learning and competences.
She currently works in research projects that deals with questions regarding sustainable fashion consumption. Emma explores how circular fashion activities shape consumer behaviour and if such learning activities can make more sustainable practices unfold, by investigating the outcomes of the field trial-project F/ACT Movement organized by Science Park Borås. In the FORMAS funded project Sustainable Clothing Futures Emma joins a team of researchers to investigate how and under what conditions new clothing business models, such as digital service platforms for rent, resale and repair, can change the everyday practices of consumers and what consequences this have for sustainability.
During her postdoctoral years Emma worked in the FORMAS financed project Plateforms (SUSFOOD2 ERA-NET) focusing on how consumers use different practices to navigate digital platforms in new types of food markets. In the connected FORMAS funded project Digital platforms and new food practices, Emma was part of a research team that investigated how the Corona crisis altered consumers’ use of digital food platforms. Emma also worked in the RE:Source project Preventing industrial and commercial waste: Lock-ins and unlockings, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency focusing on waste prevention in large retail and textile corporations.
In her doctoral dissertation Emma explored fast fashion consumption and how consumers use strategies to make sense of market offerings in fast-changing retail environments. Prior to joining Lund University Emma worked at RISE. Here she was part of a team working on applied research projects dealing with user experiences and active energy consumers in digital platforms. These projects were co-funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and the European Union (FP7/ICT).
She is a member of the knowledge group Business models and Consumption in the National Platform for Sustainable Fashion and Textiles in Sweden hosted by Science Park Borås. Here Emma contributes to the work on the sustainable development of the fashion industry and its value chains.
Emma is the program leader for the undergraduate program in Retail management at the Department of service management and service studies, Lund University. She develops collaborations with well-known corporations and start-up businesses, which provide students with valuable practical insights and networking opportunities.
Emma is teaching in the areas of retail management, marketing and consumer culture.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Luxury Consumption
Nacima Ourahmoune, Emma Samsioe
(2024) Business 2024 , p.191-194
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMaking the Consumption of Food Circular: The Karma App and the Re-qualifications of Surplus Food
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Maria Fuentes, Jenny Ivre
(2024) Consumption and Public Life , p.119-137
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDigitala plattformar och cirkulär klädkonsumtion: Möjligheter, utmaningar och vägar framåt
Emma Samsioe, Niklas Sörum, Christian Fuentes, Réka Ines Tölg
RapportIntroduction: The Future of Consumption
Kristina Bäckström, Carys Egan-Wyer, Emma Samsioe
(2023) The Future of Consumption : How Technology, Sustainability and Wellbeing will Transform Retail and Customer Experience , p.1-17
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMaking circular consumers: The F/ACT Movement and the agencing of reusing, repairing, renting, and redesigning, fashion consumers
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe
Konferensbidrag: abstractMatkonsumtion under pandemin: Digitala plattformar och nya matpraktiker
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Josefine Östrup Backe
RapportOnline food shopping reinvented : developing digitally enabled coping strategies in times of crisis
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Josefine Östrup Backe
(2022) International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research, 32 p.130-150
Artikel i tidskriftDigitalizing shopping routines: Re-organizing household practices to enable sustainable food provisioning
Emma Samsioe, Christian Fuentes
(2022) Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29 p.807-819
Artikel i tidskriftShopping strategies for times of crisis: The temporary reconfiguration of the practice of food shopping
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe, Josefine Östrup Backe
Konferensbidrag: abstractDevising food consumption : complex households and the socio-material work of meal box schemes
Christian Fuentes, Emma Samsioe
(2021) Consumption Markets and Culture, 24 p.492-511
Artikel i tidskriftThe normality of industrial and commercial waste: Economic, Technical and Organizational barriers to waste prevention
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec, Emma Samsioe
(2020) Detritus, 13 p.3-11
Artikel i tidskrift#50+ fashion Instagram influencers : cognitive age and aesthetic digital labours
Ashleigh McFarlane, Emma Samsioe
(2020) Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 24 p.399-413
Artikel i tidskriftAtt förebygga verksamhetsavfall
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec, Emma Samsioe
(2020) Re:Source
RapportLiquid luxury
Fleura Bardhi, Giana M. Eckhardt, Emma Samsioe
(2020) Research Handbooks in Business and Management series
Del av eller Kapitel i bokReproducing the fashion system : The myth of the influencer
Emma Samsioe, Ashleigh Logan-McFarlane
AffischConsumer Contextual Learning : The Case of Fast Fashion Consumption
Emma Samsioe
DoktorsavhandlingChina: Through the Looking Glass
Emma Samsioe
(2016) Costume The Journal of Costume Society , p.278-279
BokrecensionFraming the Consumer Subject: the Case of High Fashion Magazine Covers
Emma Samsioe
(2015) AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Volume 11, Volume 11
KonferensbidragThe Chinese Fashion Industry: An Ethnographic Approach
Emma Samsioe
(2014) Fashion Theory, 18 p.107-109
BokrecensionMarkets and Bodies: Women, Service Work, and the Making of Inequality in China
Emma Samsioe
(2013) Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 66 p.1238-1240
BokrecensionJärnvägsstationen, mobilitet och konsumtion i ett föränderligt servicelandskap
Frida Friberg, Emma Samsioe
(2008) Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, 81-84 p.21-39
Artikel i tidskrift