I am an associate professor in economic geography. I have worked at the department since 2000. I wrote my doctoral thesis in 2004 about the integration process in The Baltic Sea Region after the end of the Cold War. The thesis had a transport geography perspective and was based on data from aviation. I was appointed reader in human geography in 2012.
Research interests
- Tourism geography
- Mobility, transports och tourism
- Urban tourism and sustainability
- The history of tourism and hospitality
Research projects
- Managing increasing flows of tourists in urban contexts. With Lena Eskilsson and Josefine Östrup Backe. Part of "Rethinking urban tourism: managing sustainability in the age of overtourism" (financed by Formas).
- Urban tourism, ecosystem services, and green infrastructure. Tillsammans med Michael Johansson. Part of "Rethinking urban tourism: managing sustainability in the age of overtourism" (financed by Formas).
- Guiding and guided tours in the plattform economy. With Malin Zillinger.
I mainly teach the following courses
- Platsutveckling för besöksnäringen (2nd year bachelors)
- Introduction to Tourism (1st semester masters)
- Destination Development and Marketing (2nd semester masters)
I generally supervise bachelor and masters theses. I currently supervise two doctoral students.
- Assistant head of department, 2021-
- Member of the pedagogical academy (appointed excellent teaching professional)
- Member of universitetskollegiet
- Centre for European Studies, board member
- South Swedish Geographical Society, Secretary
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Phygital time geography, or: what about technology in tourists' space-time behaviour?
Micol Mieli, Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2024) Tourism Geographies, 26 p.389-406
Journal articleUpplevelsens hållbara mikrogeografier : Att utveckla stadsrummet för att främja klimatanpassning och utveckling av urbana upplevelser
Michael Johansson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportUrban Tourism
Jan Henrik Nilsson
(2024) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism, Second Edition , p.428-443
Book chapterBorders to digital nomadism, reflections based on science driven mobility
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractCritical interventions into sustainable tourism promotion and consumption
Cecilia Cassinger, Monica Porzionato, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference - otherEcosystem services for urban destination development : Potential for sustainability
Michael Johansson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) Insights in Tourism , p.133-151
Book chapterAdaptation and Ecosystem Services in Urban Parks, examples from Berlin
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractFree guided tours
Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
Article in encyclopediaLearning on guided tours: historical perspectives
Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) Tourism, knowledge and learning : Conceptual development and case studies , p.40-57
Book chapterScience-driven mobility as a form of New Urban Tourism: Insights from student and research internationalisation in Lund, Sweden
Lena Eskilsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) The power of new urban tourism : Spaces, representations and contestations , p.233-247
Book chapterHållbar urban turism Värdeskapande kulturella ekosystemtjänster i den gröna infrastrukturen
Michael Johansson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportDeveloping urban tourism in green infrastructure
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Michael Johansson
Conference paper: abstractLviv - centraleuropeisk stad med tragiskt bortglömd historia
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2021) Geografiska notiser, 79 p.5-10
Journal articleHållbar utveckling i överturismens era
Cecilia Cassinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2021) Organisation & Samhälle, 2021 p.4-8
Journal articleLemberg. Die Vergessene Mitte Europas
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2021) Historielärarnas Förenings Årsskrift, 2021 p.192-195
ReviewTourist information search in the age of mediatization
Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
(2020) The Routledge Companion to Media and Tourism , p.382-391
Book chapterFree Guided Tours : Storytelling as a means of glocalizing urban places
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
(2020) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 20 p.286-301
Journal articleConceptualizing and Contextualizing Overtourism: the Dynamics of Accelerating Urban Tourism
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2020) International Journal of Tourism Cities, 6 p.657-671
Journal articleTurism: från trivialitet till brännande samhällsfråga : Ett evolutionärt perspektiv
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2020) Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund Årsbok 2020 , p.73-85
Book chapterDining in the Skies. A historical account of hospitality in aviation
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2019) Centre for Öresund Region Studies, 39 p.107-129
Book chapterUrban tourism in the context of overtourism
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Lena Eskilsson
Conference - otherUrban bicycle tourism: path dependencies and innovation in Greater Copenhagen
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2019) Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27 p.1648-1662
Journal articleSituating Overtourism in an urban context
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Lena Eskilsson
Conference paper: abstractKlickturismens baksida borde bekymra oss
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Stefan Gössling, szilvia Gyimóthy, Carlo Aall
(2019) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm , p.4-4
Newspaper articleSituating overtourism in urban contexts
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Lena Eskilsson
Conference paper: abstractConceptualising and situating overtourism in urban contexts
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractDelningsekonomin som förändringsfaktor i urban turism
Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2019) Ymer 2019 : Turismens och resandets utmaningar, 139 p.97-118
Book chapterWhat's new in tourist search behaviour? : A study of German Tourists in Sweden
Malin Zillinger, Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportMemory tourism in a contested landscape : exploring identity discourses in Lviv, Ukraine
Nataliia Godis, Jan Henrik Nilsson
(2018) Current Issues in Tourism, 21 p.1690-1709
Journal articleAlternative tourism mobilities and urban spatial change
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractSchweden, Schweden : Forskningsstudie om hur den tyske turisten söker information om svenska besöksmål
Malin Zillinger, Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportGlobalisering och urban turismutveckling - drivkrafter och konsekvenser
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2018) Geografiska notiser, 76 p.1-10
Journal articleThere is no such thing as a free walk : Spatial implications of shared guiding developments
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
Conference paper: abstractGränsregional urban utveckling och hållbarhetens gränser - Destinationsutveckling i Greater Copenhagen
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2018) Ymer, 138
Book chapterMobility and Regionalisation : Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European Integration
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2018) Geographia Polonica, 91 p.77-93
Journal articleWhy should we teach tourism at universities?
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
Conference - otherWelcome to Hipsterville, In search of urban sustainable tourism.
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractValue creation in sustainable food networks, the role of tourism
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2016) Routledge Studies of Gastronomy, Food and Drink
Book chapterDet "nya" slottet i Berlin - politisk geografi och kommersiellt historiebruk
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2015) Geografiska notiser, 73 p.95-108
Journal articleLogistic Revolutions and Territorial Change. Implications for the Baltic Sea Region
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2015) Beyond the Sea. Reviewing tne manifold dimensions of water as barrier and bridge.
Book chapterValue creating processes as part of the university curriculum
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
Conference paperNordic eco-gastronomy. The Slow Food Concept in relation to Nordic Gastronomy
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2013) Sustainable Culinary Systems. Local foods, Innovation, tourism and hospitality. , p.189-204
Book chapterRebordering the Baltics. Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Area following the enlargement of the European Union
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paperSustainable food systems, implications for regional development
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Anci Andersson
Conference paperHospitality in Aviation: a genealogical study
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2012) Hospitality & Society, 2 p.77-98
Journal articleTourist responses to extreme environmental events: the case of Baltic Sea algal blooms
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Stefan Gössling
(2012) Tourism Planning and Development, 10 p.32-44
Journal articleLow-cost aviation and tourism dynamics in the Baltic Sea Area
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paperUnsustainable travel development. The case of aviation in the Baltic Sea Area
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paperThe fourth logistic revolution: implications for teritorial change in the Baltic Sea Area
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paperInternational Business Travel in the Global Economy
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2011) Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 93B p.340-342
ReviewService in the air. A century of hospitality aboard passenger airlines.
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2011) Research in Service Studies, working papers, 2
Working paper"Cittáslow". Eco-gastronomic heritage as a tool for destination development
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Ann-Charlotte Svärd, Åsa Widarsson, Theres Wirell
(2011) Current Issues in Tourism, 14 p.373-386
Journal articleAeromobility and regional tourism dynamics
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2011) [Host publication title missing]
Conference paperExkursioner som pedagogisk metod i samhällsvetenskaper
Lena Eskilsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2011) Lunds universitets pedagogiska utvecklingskonferens 2011 , p.88-91
Conference paperSlow Baltic. The Slow Food Concept in Relation to Baltic Gastronomy
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2010) The first international conference on sustainable food in tourism and hospitality
Conference paperFrequent flyer programmes and the reproduction of aeromobility
Stefan Gössling, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2010) Environment & Planning A, 42 p.241-252
Journal articleCreating Cross-Border Destinations. Interreg Programmes and Regionalisation in the Baltic Sea Area
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Lena Eskilsson, Richard Ek
(2010) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 10 p.153-172
Journal articleFrequent Flyers Programmes as Mobility Boosters? Implications for Sustainable Aviation.
Stefan Gössling, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paperSvensk Geografisk Årsbok
(2009) , 85
BookLågprisrevolutionen, konsekvenser för mobilitet och miljö
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2008) Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, 81-84 p.59-76
Journal articleÅter på plats, En analys av slotten i Potsdam och Berlin från demolering till återuppbyggnad
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2008) Scandia, 2008 p.75-102
Journal articleSvensk Geografisk Årsbok
(2008) , 81-84
Book"Slow" Destination Marketing in Small Italian Towns
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Ann-Charlotte Svärd, Åsa Widarsson, Theres Wirell
Conference paperPreservation, Tourism and Nationalism The Jewel of the German Past
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2007) Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 89 B p.404-406
ReviewSmaka på Skåne, processutvärdering av projektet Smaka på Skåne
Ann-Charlotte Svärd, Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Ola Thufvesson
ReportTaggtråd, betong och Spreewaldgurkor. Historiebruk kring den synliga och osynliga Berlinmuren
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2007) Plats som produkt: Kommersialisering och paketering , p.77-93
Book chapterInteraction in the Baltic Sea Area. Patterns from an Aviation Perspective
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2007) Policy Analysis of Transport Networks , p.275-286
Book chapterVinschger bahn. En regional järnväg som miljövänlig satsning på alpturismen
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2006) Geografiska notiser, 64
Journal articleCross-border regions in the Baltic Sea Area. Regionalisation and destination branding in tourism
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Lena Eskilsson
Conference paperCreating cross-border destinations: Interreg projects as tools for destination development in Northern Europe
Lena Eskilsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
Conference paperSafety and Security in Tourism: Relationships, Management and Marketing
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2005) Tourism Review International, 9 p.231-233
ReviewCoastal Mass Tourism. Diversification and Sustainable Developments in Southern Europe
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2005) European Planning Studies, 13 p.1123-1125
ReviewÖstersjöområdet : Studier av interaktion och barriärer
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2004) Meddelanden från Lunds universitets geografiska institution. Avhandlingar, 152
DissertationDoes the Baltic Sea Integrate? Some tentative conclusions from an aviation perspective
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2003) Rapporter och notiser
ReportMatens vägar : saluhallen i ett historiskt-geografiskt perspektiv
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2002) Upplevelsens materialitet , p.73-90
Book chapterFriedrich Ratzel och Rudolf Kjellén, två av den politiska geografins pionjärer
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2000) Politisk geografi , p.201-222
Book chapterThe debate on Post-Socialist Transformation in the Perspective of Baltic Integration
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2000) Global-Local Interplay in the Baltic Sea Region , p.243-261
Book chapterStadsbilden och den historiska geografin: Exemplet Riga
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2000) Östersjö eller Västerhav?: föreställningar om tid och rum i Östersjöområdet , p.83-98
Book chapterFrån Kant till Kant - en exkursion i Östersjöområdets geografiska idéhistoria
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(1999) Geografi i Lund. Essäer tillägnade Gunnar Törnqvist , p.115-124
Book chapterEconomic Development and Communication Networks in the Baltic Sea Area
Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(1997) Baltic Cities. Perspectives on urban and regional change in the Baltic Sea Area , p.43-73
Book chapter