I was born in France, but I have been living in Sweden since 1985. I am a professor of Business Administration at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University.
My fields of research and teaching are organization theory, and I have been working for a long time with infrastructure issues, for example public libraries, railroad planning, wind power siting, risk in public transportation. For the last ten years or so I have focused on the production and management of waste. In particular, I have been heading the research projects From waste management to waste prevention (FORMAS) and Organizing Critical Infrastructure Services – The case of waste management (VINNOVA). I have been an associated editor for Waste Management, and I sit on the editorial board of Detritus. I also sit on the editorial board of the Scandinavian Journal of Management. In the recent years I have published about waste in journals with management (e.g., Accounting Organization and Society, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Marketing Theory, Organization), social-anthropology (Journal of Material Culture), geography (Environment and Planning), environment studies (Journal of Cleaner Production), and engineering (Waste Management, Waste Management & Research).
I proceed most often, but not exclusively, through the analysis of texts and discourses, with special preference for inscription, narrative and argumentation analysis.
"Circular economy is just another growth model" – Hervé Corvellec on degrowth
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Barbara Czarniawska (1948–2024) : reflections in memory of her work and life
Lana Sabelfeld, John Dumay, Sten Jönsson, Hervé Corvellec, Bino Catasús, et al.
(2025) Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 38 p.80-104
Journal articleSpecial Issue: Out in the Field with Bruno Latour
(2024) Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 19
Editor for a journalGuest Editorial: Out in the Field with Bruno Latour.
Barbara Czarniawska, Hervé Corvellec, Franck Cochoy
(2024) Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 19 p.53-56
Journal article (comment)What Can We Learn From the Bankruptcy of Renewcell? : Some Limitations of Business-Case-Based Circular Transition
Hervé Corvellec, Alison F. Stowell
(2024) Journal of Circular Economy, 2 p.1-4
Journal articleAbrakadabra (Um Kreislaufwirtschaft in "Kein Müll für niemand").
Hervé Corvellec, Alison F. Stowell
(2024) Rotary Magazin für Deutschland und Österreich, 2024
Newspaper articleNo circular panacea
Alison F. Stowell, Hervé Corvellec, Nils Johansson
(2024) Fifty Four Degrees, 20 p.30-31
Newspaper articleThe Resourcification of Waste: A Critique of Heroic Efficacy
Hervé Corvellec
(2024) Waste as a Critique , p.1-1
Book chapterLeadership and Waste
Lenka Brunclikova, Alison F. Stowell, Hervé Corvellec
(2024) The Edward Elgar Encyclopaedia of Leadership
Article in encyclopediaLeadership in the Circular Economy
Hervé Corvellec, Alison F. Stowell
(2024) The Edward Elgar Encyclopaedia of Leadership
Article in encyclopediaTourism Resourcification
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec, Malin Zillinger
(2024) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism , p.274-285
Book chapterThe circular economy: a geometry lesson
Maira Babri, Hervé Corvellec, Herman Stål
Web publicationCountering the Proliferation of Plastic Waste through Circularity
Hervé Corvellec
Web publicationLunds Kommun Klimatpolitiska råd: Rapport 2023
John Hultén, Misse Wester, Susanne Arvidsson, Hervé Corvellec, Harald Klein, et al.
ReportCirkulär är inte synonymt med hållbar-Cirkularitet är mer än återvinning, reparation, rekonditionering eller återanvändning.
Hervé Corvellec, Alison Stowell
(2023) Organisation & Samhälle
Journal articleResource shifting : Resourcification and de-resourcification for degrowth
Hervé Corvellec, Alexander Paulsson
(2023) Ecological Economics, 205
Journal articleFokus på riskerna skymmer sikten för lösningarna
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman, Sanna Stålhammar
Web publicationDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleThe significance of trying : How organizational members meet the ambiguities of diversity
Annette Risberg, Hervé Corvellec
(2022) Gender, Work and Organization, 29 p.1849-1867
Journal articleModesty as a Condition for Circular Economy Transition Success
Hervé Corvellec
Web publicationAn ecofeminist position in critical practice: Challenging corporate truth in the Anthropocene
Charles Barthold, David Bevan, Hervé Corvellec
(2022) Gender, Work and Organization, 29 p.1796-1814
Journal articleBook review: Carl Rhodes Woke Capitalism: How Corporate Morality is Sabotaging Democracy (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022. 240 pp.)
Hervé Corvellec
(2022) Organization Studies, 43
ReviewCritiques of the circular economy
Hervé Corvellec, Alison F. Stowell, Nils Johansson
(2022) Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26 p.421-432
Journal articleOrganizing Means–Ends Decoupling : Core–Compartment Separations in Fast Fashion
Herman I. Stål, Hervé Corvellec
(2022) Business and Society, 61 p.857-885
Journal articleMaterial affordances in circular products and business model development : for a relational understanding of human and material agency
Maira Babri, Hervé Corvellec, Herman I. Stål
(2022) Culture and Organization, 28 p.79-96
Journal articleResourcification : A Non-Essentialist Theory of Resources for Sustainable Development
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman, Anne Jerneck, Johan Ekroos, Susanne Arvidsson, et al.
(2021) Sustainable Development, 29 p.1249-1256
Journal articleCritiques de l'économie circulaire : Cet article passe en revue les critiques faites à l'économie circulaire et aux modèles d'affaires circulaires dans près de 100 publications scientifiques.
Hervé Corvellec, Alison Stowell, Nils Johansson
Web publicationA Resourcification Manifesto: Understanding the Social Process of Resources Becoming Resources
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec, Anne Jerneck, Susanne Arvidsson, Johan Ekroos, et al.
(2021) Research Policy, 50
Journal articleCzarniawska, Barbara : Organizational Change – Fashions, Institutions, and Translations
Hervé Corvellec, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
(2021) The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, 1-2 p.467-484
Book chapterThe normality of industrial and commercial waste: Economic, Technical and Organizational barriers to waste prevention
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec, Emma Samsioe
(2020) Detritus, 13 p.3-11
Journal articleI tvärvetenskap är alla eviga migranter
Hervé Corvellec
(2020) 1666. 1999. 2000. 2020. Campus Helsingborg 20 år. , p.163-169
Book chapterAtt få en forskarutbildning
Hervé Corvellec
(2020) 1666. 1999. 2000. 2020. Campus Helsingborg 20 år. , p.185-193
Book chapterTowards clean material cycles: Is there a policy conflict between circular economy and non-toxic environment?
Nils Johansson, Costas Velis, Hervé Corvellec
(2020) Waste Management & Research, 38 p.705-707
Journal articleFörord
Hervé Corvellec
(2020) Cirkulära materialflöden i praktiken : Tolv tillämpningar på små och stora företag , p.9-11
PrefaceAtt förebygga verksamhetsavfall
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec, Emma Samsioe
(2020) Re:Source
ReportIntroduction to the special issue on the contested realities of the circular economy
Hervé Corvellec, Steffen Bohm, Alison Stowell, Francisco Valenzuela
(2020) Culture and Organization, 26 p.97-102
Journal article (comment)The Contested realities of the Circular Economy
(2020) Culture and Organization , p.97-174
Editor for a journalUnthinking sustainability through resourcification studies
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec
Conference paper: abstractPutting Circular Ambitions into Action : The Case of Accus, a Small Swedish Sign Company
Hervé Corvellec, Maira Babri, Herman I. Stål
(2020) Handbook of the circular economy
Book chapterLa proximité dans la gouvernance des déchets en Suède
Hervé Corvellec
(2019) Territoires des déchets , p.65-82
Book chapterQualification as corporate activism : How Swedish apparel retailers attach circular fashion qualities to take-back systems
Hervé Corvellec, Herman Stål
(2019) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35
Journal articleHeterogeneous answers to challenges raised by an heterogeneous material
Hervé Corvellec
(2019) Society and Business Review, 14 p.130-134
Journal article (comment)Waste as scats: For an organizational engagement with waste.
Hervé Corvellec
(2019) Organization, 26 p.217-235
Journal articleSynen på avfall måste förändras för att få bukt med sopberget [Perspektiv]
Hervé Corvellec, Patrik Zapata
(2018) Dagens Samhälle, 2018 p.10-10
Newspaper article« For the women » - In Memoriam Simone Veil (1927-2017)
Charles Barthold, Hervé Corvellec
(2018) Gender, Work and Organization, 25 p.593-600
Journal articleThe EU needs a stability and wellbeing pact, not more growth
Dan O'Neill, Hervé Corvellec
(2018) The Guardian, 2018
Newspaper articleWaste prevention is about effective production and thoughtful consumption – not about waste : Seven lessons from the research project from waste management to waste prevention
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Nils Johansson, Anette Svingstedt, Zapata Patrik, et al.
ReportWaste policies gone soft : An analysis of European and Swedish waste prevention plans
Nils Johansson, Hervé Corvellec
(2018) Waste Management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, 77 p.322-332
Journal articleThank you : A journal is as good as its reviewers
Umberto Arena, Morton Barlaz, Pinjing He, Ing I. D'Adamo, Sergi Astals, et al.
(2018) Waste Management, 77
OtherIt-utrustning skrotas – helt utan reflektion
Jonas Karlsson, Anders Wijkman, Sasja Beslik, Hervé Corvellec, Mattias Lindahl, et al.
(2018) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm, 2018
Newspaper articleActing on distances: A topology of accounting inscriptions
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Zapata Patrik, Maria José Zapata Campos
(2018) Accounting, Organizations and Society, 67 p.56-65
Journal articleSå gör vi förebyggandet till verklighet
Hervé Corvellec, Zapata Patrik
(2018) Avfall och Miljö, 33 p.30-31
Newspaper articleAvfallsförebyggande handlar om effektiv produktion och genomtänkt konsumtion – inte om avfall. : Sju lärdomar från forskningsprojektet från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggan
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Nils Johansson, Anette Svingstedt, Patrik Zapata, et al.
ReportAtt ta sina första steg in i den cirkulära ekonomin: Fallet Accus, skyltföretag.
Hervé Corvellec
ReportA decoupling perspective on circular business model implementation: Illustrations from Swedish apparel
Herman Stål, Hervé Corvellec
(2018) Journal of Cleaner Production, 171 p.630-643
Journal articleWhen lock-ins impede value co-creation in service
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec
(2018) International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 10 p.2-15
Journal articlePlastic Water: The Social and Material Life of Bottled Water, by Gay Hawkins, Emily Potter, and Kane Race [Book review]
Hervé Corvellec
(2017) Journal of Cultural Economy , p.1-3
Journal articleMarine plastic litter on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) : Impacts and measures
Florina Lachmann, Bethanie C. Almroth, Henrikke Baumann, Göran Broström, Hervé Corvellec, et al.
ReportStories of achievements : Narrative features of organizational performance
Hervé Corvellec
BookTre röster om utredningen [Ola Alterås SOU 2017:22 om en cirkulär ekonomi]
Hervé Corvellec
(2017) Avfall och Miljö, 32 p.7-7
Newspaper articleEvidencing the waste effect of Product-Service Systems (PSSs)
Hervé Corvellec, Herman Stål
(2017) Journal of Cleaner Production, 145 p.14-24
Journal articleBarbara Czarniawska : Organizational change - fashions, institutions, and translations
Hervé Corvellec, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
(2017) The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers , p.361-377
Book chapterLa proximité dans la gouvernance des déchets en Suède : Un enchevêtrement de logiques
Hervé Corvellec
(2016) Dimensions territoriales des politiques de gestion des déchets : La construction d’un régime de proximité , p.222-222
Report chapterSustainability objects as performative definitions of sustainability: The case of food waste-based biogas and biofertilizers
Hervé Corvellec
(2016) Journal of Material Culture, 21 p.383-401
Journal articleWaste prevention in Sweden 2008-2015: An analysis of key waste prevention initiatives
Hervé Corvellec
ReportTre av fyra jobbar med förebyggande
Hervé Corvellec, Patrik Zapata, María-José Zapata-Campos
(2016) Avfall och Miljö, 31 p.33-33
Newspaper articleDet måste bli dyrare att producera avfall
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec
(2016) Dagens Samhälle
Newspaper articleDärför hindras förebyggande
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec
(2016) Avfall och Miljö, 2016 p.32-32
Newspaper articleThe Role of Valuation Practices for Risk Identification
Hervé Corvellec, Åsa Boholm
(2016) Riskwork : Essays on the organizational life of risk management
Book chapterUnfolding the post-political waste-responsible citizen. A biopolitical approach
Richard Ek, Hervé Corvellec, Maria José Zapata Campos, Zapata Patrik
(2016) , p.83-84
Conference paper: abstractWaste management: The Other of production, distribution, and consumption
Hervé Corvellec
(2016) A Research Agenda for Management and Organization Studies , p.107-114
Book chapterFostering the waste-responsible citizen? Bio-politics and post-political planning
Richard Ek, Hervé Corvellec, Maria José Zapata Campos, Zapata Patrik
Conference - otherA performative definition of waste prevention
Hervé Corvellec
(2016) Waste Management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, 52 p.3-13
Journal articleAction nets for waste prevention
Hervé Corvellec, Czarniawska Barbara
(2015) Waste Management and Sustainable Consumption: Reflections on Consumer Waste , p.88-101
Book chapterFrikopplingstjänster – en lösning för avfallsförebyggande?
Anette Svingstedt, Hervé Corvellec
ReportInlåsta med avfall: Den svåra vägen mot förebyggande
Hervé Corvellec, Anette Svingstedt
(2015) 15 hållbara lösningar för framtiden , p.193-210
Book chapterTvärvetenskap – ”Nej, ers majestät, det är en revolution”
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek
(2015) Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten i Lund – en vital 50-åring. En jubileumsskift. , p.291-300
Book chapterNarrative for Service Research and Management
Hervé Corvellec
(2015) The Sage Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy, 1 p.435-439
Article in encyclopediaThe Topological Work of Inscription Devices
Richard Ek, Hervé Corvellec, Maria José Zapata Campos, Zapata Patrik
Conference - otherDis-Ag-reement: The construction and negotiation of risk in the Swedish controversy over antibacterial silver
Boholm Max, Arvidsson Rickard, Boholm Åsa, Hervé Corvellec, Molander Sverker
(2015) Journal of Risk Research, 18 p.93-110
Journal articleNarrative Approaches to Organizations
Hervé Corvellec
(2015) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition) , p.194-197
Article in encyclopediaSustainability objects as performative definitions of sustainability: The case of food waste-based biogas and biofertilizers
Hervé Corvellec
(2015) GRI report-Managing the Big City, 2015
Working paperNew directions for management and organization studies on waste
Hervé Corvellec
(2015) GRI-rapport, 2015
Working paperThe role of valuation practices for risk identification
Åsa Boholm, Hervé Corvellec
(2015) GRI report-Managing the Big City
Working paperRecycling food waste into biogas, or how management transforms overflows into flows
Hervé Corvellec
(2014) Coping with excess: How organizations, communities and individuals manage overflows , p.154-172
Book chapterOrganiseringen av avfallstjänster för ett hållbart samhälle. En fallstudie av avfallshantering 2010-2013.
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec
Report“Organizations and Archetypes” by Monika Kostera (Edward Elgar, 2012)
Hervé Corvellec
(2014) Organization Studies, 35 p.147-150
ReviewManaging the politics of value propositions
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2014) Marketing Theory, 14 p.355-375
Journal articleSkapa förutsättningar för forskning - generiska färdigheter för doktorander
Ann-Sofie Zettergren, Hanna Voog, Hervé Corvellec, Åsa Lundqvist
(2014) , p.53-53
Conference paper: abstractFöretagsekonomiska filmer: Girigheten från film till det verkliga livet
Hervé Corvellec
(2014) Organisation & Samhälle, 1 p.32-33
Review"A Process Theory of Organization, T. Hernes. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2014)"
Hervé Corvellec
(2014) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30 p.545-547
ReviewBook review / Recension d'ouvrage: Gibson Burrell (2013), Styles of Organizing: The Will to Form. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hervé Corvellec
(2014) M@N@Gement, 17 p.72-77
ReviewWaste management companies : Critical urban infrastructural services that design the sociomateriality of waste
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2013) Organising Waste in the City : International Perspectives on Narratives and Practices , p.139-156
Book chapterInfrastructures, lock-in, and sustainable urban development: the case of waste incineration in the Goteborg Metropolitan Area
Hervé Corvellec, Maria José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
(2013) Journal of Cleaner Production, 50 p.32-39
Journal articleWhy ask what theory is?
Hervé Corvellec
(2013) What is theory? Answers from the social and cultural sciences. , p.9-24
Book chapterTo make a kick start together – A PhD course co-developed by librarians and professors
Ann-Sofie Zettergren, Hanna Voog, Hervé Corvellec
(2013) Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 5
Conference paper: abstractA relational theory of risk: lessons for risk communication
Åsa Boholm, Hervé Corvellec
(2013) Effective Risk Communication , p.6-22
Book chapterWaste management companies: Critical urban infrastructural services that design the socio-materiality of waste
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2013) Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices , p.139-155
Book chapterCritical urban infrastructural services: How waste management companies design the socio-materiality of waste
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2012) Research in Service Studies, 2012
Working paperThe Practice of Risk Governance: Lessons from the Field
Åsa Boholm, Hervé Corvellec, Marianne Karlsson
(2012) Journal of Risk Research, 15 p.1-20
Journal articleNarratives in and about organizations: An anthropology, a mode of inquiry and a leadership tool
Hervé Corvellec
(2012) in Service Studies, 2012
Working paperThe multiple market exposure of Swedish municipally owned waste management companies
Torleif Bramryd, Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2012) Proceedings Sardinia 2011 Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
Conference paperThe multiple market-exposure of waste management companies: A case study of two Swedish municipally owned companies.
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd
(2012) Waste Management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, 32 p.1722-1727
Journal articleThe business model of solid waste management in Sweden – A case study of two municipally-owned companies
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2012) Waste Management & Research, 30 p.512-518
Journal articleNormalising excess: An ambivalent take on the recycling of food waste into biogas
Hervé Corvellec
(2012) Research in Service Studies, 2012
Working paperThe Worth of Goods: Valuation and Pricing in the Economy edited by Beckert, J. & Aspers, P., Oxford University Press. (Book review)
Hervé Corvellec
(2012) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28 p.198-199
ReviewThe Impossibility of Corporate Ethics – For a Lévinasian Approach to Managerial Ethics
David Bevan, Hervé Corvellec
(2012) Sage Library in Business and Management: New Directions in Business Ethics, 2
Book chapterDemanding Hosts and Ungrateful Guests – The Everyday Drama of Public Transportation in Three Acts and Academic Prose
Hervé Corvellec, Thomas O'Dell
(2012) Culture and Organization, 18 p.231-249
Journal articleThe European Waste Hierarchy: From the Socio-materiality of Waste to a Politics of Consumption
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec
(2012) Environment & Planning A, 44 p.2413-2427
Journal articleFrom ‘Less Landfilling’ to ‘Wasting Less’: Societal narratives, socio-materiality, and organizations
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2012) Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25 p.297-314
Journal articleKonkurrenslagstiftningen hotar utvecklingen
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2011) Avfall och Miljö , p.25-25
Newspaper articleThe business model of Swedish municipal waste management companies
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2011) Research in Service Studies, 2011
Working paperNew Rhetoric and Organization Studies
Hervé Corvellec
(2011) [Host publication title missing] , p.31-48
Conference paperPerelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca: Arguing and Organizing
Hervé Corvellec
(2011) On the Shoulder of Giants , p.233-250
Book chapterThe waste hierarchy model: Disassembling and reassembling the socio-materiality of waste
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec
(2011) Research in Service Studies
Working paperThe multiple market-exposure of Swedish municipally owned waste management companies
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2011) Proceedings of the International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
Conference paperResponsibility beyond CSR
David Bevan, Hervé Corvellec, Eric Faÿ
(2011) Journal of Business Ethics, 101 p.1-4
Journal articleFrom 'a farewell to landfill' to 'waste as resource'
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman, Torleif Bramryd
Conference paperRiskhanteringsbeslut inom transportsektorn: Slutredovisning av forskningsprojektet TRANSAM 2007-2010
Boholm Åsa, Hervé Corvellec, Johansson Vicki, Boholm Max, Karlsson Marianne
(2011) CEFOS rapport
ReportA relational theory of risk
Åsa Boholm, Hervé Corvellec
(2011) Journal of Risk Research, 14 p.175-190
Journal articleThe narrative structure of risk accounts
Hervé Corvellec
(2011) Risk Management, 13 p.101-121
Journal articleFrom "A farewell to landfill" to "A farewell to wastefulness" - societal narratives, socio-materiality and organizations
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2011) Research in Service Studies, 2011
Working paperEven Beyond Humanity - A comment on “Change and Commitment: Beyond Risk and Responsibility” by Silvio Funtowicz and Roger Strand.
Hervé Corvellec
(2011) Journal of Risk Research, 14 p.1005-1007
Journal article (letter)Organisational risk as it derives from what managers value: A practice-based approach to risk assessment
Hervé Corvellec
(2010) Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 18 p.145-154
Journal articleThe moral responsibility of project selectors
Hervé Corvellec, Nikos Macheridis
(2010) International Journal of Project Management, 28 p.212-219
Journal articleAlain de Botton: The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work
Hervé Corvellec
(2010) Organization Studies, 31 p.118-122
ReviewMarknadspriset är inte hela värdet
Hervé Corvellec
(2009) MIljöförbundet - Jordens vänner , p.18-18
Newspaper articleThe practice of risk management: Silence is not absence
Hervé Corvellec
(2009) Risk Management, 11 p.285-304
Journal articlePublic Transportation Hospitality- An aporia in three acts and academic prose
Hervé Corvellec
Conference paperThe risk/no-risk rhetoric of environmental impact assessments (EIA) - The case of off-shore wind farms in Sweden
Hervé Corvellec, Boholm Åsa
Conference paperThe risk/no-risk rhetoric of environmental impact assessments (EIA): The case of off-shore wind farms in Sweden
Hervé Corvellec, Åsa Boholm
(2008) GRI-rapport
ReportThe moral responsibility of project selectors
Hervé Corvellec, Nikos Macheridis
(2008) GRI Rapport
ReportThe risk/no-risk rhetoric of environmental impact assessments (EIA): The case of off-shore wind farms in Sweden
Hervé Corvellec, Åsa Boholm
(2008) Local Environment, 13 p.627-640
Journal articleThe impossibility of corporate ethics: for a Levinasian approach to managerial ethics
David Bevan, Hervé Corvellec
(2007) Business Ethics. A European Review, 16 p.208-219
Journal articleArguing for a license to operate: the case of the Swedish wind power industry
Hervé Corvellec
(2007) Corporate Communications, 12 p.129-144
Journal articleFöretagsetikens Janusansikte: Teknik och kritik
Hervé Corvellec
(2007) Organisation : Teorier om ordning och oordning , p.287-305
Book chapterSensegiving as mise-en-sens - The case of wind power development
Hervé Corvellec, Annette Risberg
(2007) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 23 p.306-326
Journal articleNarrative Analysis
Hervé Corvellec
(2007) The Principles of Knowledge Creation : Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Book chapterEtt bra vindläge – Industrialisering och nyliberal kommersialisering av blåsiga platser
Hervé Corvellec
(2007) Plats som produkt : kommersialisering och paketering , p.111-128
Book chapterFor a symmetrical understanding of organizing and arguing
Hervé Corvellec
(2006) Society and Business Review, 1 p.248-265
Journal articleEtt bra vindläge- Industrialisering och nyliberalkommersialisering av blåsiga platser
Hervé Corvellec
(2006) GRI-rapport
ReportSensegiving as mise-en-sens: The case of wind power development
Hervé Corvellec, Annette Risberg
(2006) GRI-rapport
ReportEtablering av vindkraft i Sverige – en kartläggning av miljötillståndsprocesser 1999-2004
Bengtsson Mats, Hervé Corvellec
ReportRespekt är mötets etik
Hervé Corvellec
(2005) Servicemötet – Multidisciplinära öppningar , p.123-138
Book chapterServicemötet – multidisciplinära öppningar
BookThe Impossibility of Corporate Ethics:For a Levinasian Approach to Managerial Ethics
Hervé Corvellec, David Bevan
(2005) GRI-rapport
ReportOrganizing / Arguing:For Nuclear Power in the Name of the Environment
Hervé Corvellec
(2005) GRI-rapport
ReportBook review essay: The Power of Tale - Using Narrative for Organisational Success by Allan, Julie, Fairtlough Gerard & Heinzen Barbara (Chichester UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2002) and Storytelling in Organizations by Gabriel Yannis (Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press, 2000)
Hervé Corvellec
(2004) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20 p.211-217
ReviewDialog: från samtal till text
Hervé Corvellec, Pierro Colla
(2003) Avhandlingen - om att formas till forskare , p.75-96
Book chapterNarratives of Organizational Performances
Hervé Corvellec
(2003) Narratives We Organize By , p.115-133
Book chapterBook review: Management Gurus and Management Fashions – A Dramastic Inquiry by Brad Jackson
Hervé Corvellec
(2003) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 19 p.275-278
ReviewBook review: Pandemonium av Gibson Burrell
Hervé Corvellec
(2002) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 18 p.255-258
ReviewThe New Rhetoric of Infrastructure Projects
Hervé Corvellec
(2001) Organizing Metropolitan Space and Discourse , p.192-209
Book chapterTalks on Tracks –Debating Urban Infrastructure Projects
Hervé Corvellec
(2001) Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies, 7 p.25-53
Journal articleLa contabilidad por partida doble como forma de representaciòn - Den dubbla bokföringen som föreställningsform
Hervé Corvellec
(2001) Heterogénesis: Revista de Artes Visuales, 10 p.16-25
Journal articleChildren as Economic Subjects
Hervé Corvellec
(2001) Children, Economics and the EU , p.21-27
Book chapter"Böckerna kan inte avslutas om inte debet är lika med kredit"—Den textuella konstruktionen av organisationer genom dubbel bokföring
Hervé Corvellec
(1998) Dikotomier- Vetenskapliga reflektioner , p.160-178
Book chapterStories of Achievements - Narrative Features of Organizational Performance
Hervé Corvellec
(1996) Lund Studies in Economics and Management, 27
DissertationCorporate Annual Reports as Administrative Serials: The Case of Astra, a Swedish Pharmaceutical Group
Hervé Corvellec
(1996) Working Paper Series, Institute of Economic Research
ReportTranslating Management Accounting Terms - The Case of ’Performance’
Hervé Corvellec
(1995) Advances in International Accounting, 8 p.129-147
Journal articleSidestreams: A Personal Account of the 4th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference (also known as the 4th IPA), Hulme Hall, Manchester, England, 10-13 July 1994
Hervé Corvellec
(1995) European Accounting Review, 4 p.177-181
Journal article (letter)Library Performance in Activity Reports
Hervé Corvellec
(1994) Svensk Biblioteksforskning , p.52-68
Journal articleLa chanson de la performance - Une épopée de l’organisation
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Sotto
(1993) Working Paper Series, Institute of Economic Research
ReportBiblioteksprestationer sedda i ljuset av sportprestationer
Hervé Corvellec
(1992) Bibliotek som Serviceföretag - Kunden i Centrum, Rapport 92:4 p.67-76
Book chapterTrend, Weaknesses and Perspectives of Performance Evaluation in Public Libraries
Hervé Corvellec
(1991) Svensk Biblioteksforskning , p.19-28
Journal articleTendances, faiblesses, et perspectives de l’évaluation des performances des bibliothèques [
Hervé Corvellec
(1990) Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 35 p.356-365
Journal articleComparaison France Suède de l’économie du secteur du livre
Hervé Corvellec
(1989) Cahiers de l’économie du livre, 1 p.32-53
Journal article