The Master's Programme in Service Management at Lund University is a management programme with a strong link to research. The programme combines in-depth subject knowledge of the services sectors with an understanding of the specific organisational and managerial needs of service activities. Successful students gain a Master’s Diploma in Service Management, and the programme allows for specialisation according to the students own preferences.
Associate Professor Christian Fuentes gives two reasons why the new specialisation will benefit both students and society.
– Environmental issues have an impact on all areas but seem to impact the services sector to a higher degree, and this makes it valuable to have excellence in sustainability within a service organisation. There is a need for sustainable leadership. There is also another perspective, that services can be considered a solution to some climate issues. For example, service innovation can make it easier to share or rent, instead of owning.
Social Sciences and Sustainability – a unique combination
The Master’s programme in service management is an interdisciplinary programme within the field of Social Sciences. In this regard, the new sustainability specialisation is one of a kind.
– Most Master’s programmes related to sustainability can be found within the Natural Sciences, there are very few in Social Sciences. And there is no other in Service Management. We need specialists with these skills to take on the complex climate issues of today, says Christian Fuentes.
Who is the intended student for this specialisation?
– The programme is aimed at anyone who is interested in sustainability and management. Especially those who finds services and the service sector an interesting area of study. Some may have a diploma in Management and wish to specialise within Sustainability. Others have majored in Social Sciences and wants to gain in-depth subject knowledge of Management, with a specialisation in Sustainability. We think this specialisation is important and may boost the careers of those who chose it. The job market is global.
What positions will be suitable after graduation?
– Straight-forward sustainability roles will always be an option, for example CSR Manager or Green Marketer, but sustainability as a perspective can be applied to any managerial role, concludes Christian Fuentes.
- Read more about the specialisation Sustainable Service Management
- Read about our research topic Sustainability and Services