Senior lecturer Erika Andersson Cederholm applied for funding of a visiting professor in Hedda Andersson's name.
– We could definitely become more gender equvalent here at the department when it comes to professors, says Andersson Cederholm. Only two out of seven are women, while the vast majority of the students are female. Furthermore, the service industry is dominated by women and that should be visible on all levels.
Dianne Dredge is currently active at Aalborg University, Campus Copenhagen, Department of Culture and Global Studies. She is a familiar name for many of the researchers at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies.
– She is known as a tourism researcher but has also written frequently about collaborative economy, which is a topic many at our department is working on. It's a current and wide-ranging area. She has also done a lot of research on academic leadership, which has a general relevance regardless of area.
Dredge has previously participated in workshops at Lund University together with her colleagues from Aalborg University. A multitude of potential activities awaits the visiting professor when she arrives at Campus Helsingborg.
– We have been discussing that Dianne contribute in teaching of both candidate and master students, as well as present her own research at seminars. She has her own ideas about leading workshops, for exemple on academic leadership. She could also help with research development, such as article writing and the publication process, with our doctoral students.
The visiting chair in Hedda Andersson's name aims to promote gender equality at Lund University by increasing the number of professors of the underrepresented gender. ”Even the fixed-time appointment of a visiting professor of the underrepresented gender can create a positive effect regarding gender equality,” says the university on its website.
The visiting professor is partly funded for three years with an expected starting date during the autumn/winter of 2018.