Torleif Bramryd is a professor in Environmental Strategy. His main research area is sustainable city development and he has participated in a wide range of projects within the fields of ecology and environmental strategy. Among the topics of his current research projects are: sustainable mobility, ecosystem services at the municipal level, optimization of biogas production and nutrient recovery in landfill bioreactor cells, leachate as a fertilizer and how to utilize waste wood in chipboard manufacturing. He also participates in an EU-project, ”Share-North” (”Shared mobility solutions for a liveable and low-carbon North Sea region”).
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Climatic effects of municipaal solid waste management - Comparisons between sustainable landfilling and waste-to-energy incineration
Torleif Bramryd
Conference paper: abstractSocial, Environmental and Climate implications of waste management : waste-to-energy and recycling in a global south context
Jutta Gutberlet, Torleif Bramryd
(2022) SUM2022, 6th Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining; Capri, Italy 18-20 May 2022
Conference paperHållbar samhällsplanering : Resvaneanalys och utvärdering av persontransporter i Värnamo kommun
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportEnvironmental and climatic evaluation and quantification of the positive environmental effect due to recycling of wood waste for particleboard manufacturing
Torleif Bramryd, Mahmood Hemeed
(2022) Holztechnologie, 63 p.5-10
Journal articleUtvärdering av FIMO-projektet - Future Intelligent Mobility
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportBiogaspotential från urbana gräsytor – Förstudie med Helsingborgs stad som case
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd, Sven-Erik Svensson, Lars Törner, Widar Narvelo, et al.
ReportFrån embryo till etablerad miljö
Torleif Bramryd
(2020) 1666. 1999. 2000. 2020. Campus Helsingborg 20 år. , p.214-220
Book chapterShared Mobility as a tool for natural Ecosystem services in the new H+ housing development area in Helsingborg harbor : Creating urban eco zones favored by decreased parking space
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd, Andreas Eriksson
ReportParticle board based on wood waste material bounded by leftover cakes of rape oil. Part 2: The extractable formaldehyde content and formaldehyde release of particle board.
Mahmood Hameed, Eric Rönnols, Torleif Bramryd
(2020) Holztechnologie, 61 p.11-18
Journal articleAn issued-based and adaptive management approach to coastal Re-Source systems. Case study: The coastal front of Rälla.
Varvara Sachpazidou, Torleif Bramryd, William Hogland
Conference paper: abstractImpact of different waste management practises on global climate change.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
Conference paper: abstractEngineered MSW landfills as a future material resource and a sink for long-term storage of organic carbon
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2020) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 578
Conference paperExpansion of the Waste-Based Commodity Frontier: Insights from Sweden and Brazil
Jutta Gutberlet, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2020) Sustainability, 12 p.1-15
Journal articleVärden som uppstår genom besökscentret Absolut Home i Åhus : Slutrapport för The Absolut Company
Malin Zillinger, Torleif Bramryd, Sara Hedström
ReportHållbarhetsanalys av hushållsnära fettinsamlingssystem - Fallstudie av uppkopplat fettreturburksystem
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportParticleboard based on wood waste material bonded by animal´s albumin-protein resin
Mahmood Hameed, Eric Rönnols, Torleif Bramryd
(2019) Holztechnologie, 60 p.26-34
Journal articleParticleboard based on wood waste material bonded by leftover cakes of rape oil : Part 1. The mechanical and physical properties of particleboard
Mahmood Hameed, Eric Rönnols, Torleif Bramryd
(2019) Holztechnologie, 60 p.31-39
Journal articleMänniska och miljö : Med praktisk vägledning för projekt
Helena Andersson, Claes Dahlqvist, Bengt Nihlgård, Torleif Bramryd
BookArtificial wetlands and irrigated vegetation for extraction of nutrients from residual solid wastes treated in landfill bioreactor cells – an important part of a circular economy.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2018) Book of abstracts: Linnaeus ECO-TECH '18, 2018 , p.199-201
Conference paperImplementation of the ecosystem services approach in Swedish municipal planning
Per Schubert, Nils G.A. Ekelund, Thomas H. Beery, Christine Wamsler, K. Ingemar Jönsson, et al.
(2018) Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 20 p.298-312
Journal articleOn the road to ‘research municipalities’: analysing transdisciplinarity in municipal ecosystem services and adaptation planning
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler, Maria Adolfsson, Monica Axelsson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2018) Sustainability Science, 13 p.765-784
Journal articleMicrobial community structure and function in sediments from e-waste contaminated rivers at Guiyu area of China
Jun Liu, Xi Chen, Hao yue Shu, Xue rui Lin, Qi xing Zhou, et al.
(2018) Environmental Pollution, 235 p.171-179
Journal articleParticleboard based on wood waste material and bonded by hybrid resin of TF and PMDI. Part 2. The extractable formaldehyde content and formaldehyde release
Mahmood Hameed, Eric Rönnols, Torleif Bramryd
(2018) Holztechnologie, 59 p.32-38
Journal articleParticleboard based on wood waste material and bonded by hibrid resin of TF and PMDI. Part 1. The mechanical and physical properties of the particle boards
Mahmood Hameed, Eric Rönnols, Torleif Bramryd
(2018) Holztechnologie, 59 p.24-32
Journal articleEnvironmental and efficiency evaluation of pre-stabilization techniques for solid wastes.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Binder, Michael Johansson
(2017) Sustainable Landfilling
Book chapterEkosystemtjänstbegreppet–en historisk tillbakablick och den förväntade rollen i svensk miljöpolicy
Per Schubert, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2017) YMER , p.213-237
Book chapterImplementering av ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i kommunal verksamhet - Slutrapport
K. Ingemar Jönsson, Nils G. A. Ekelund, Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Thomas H. Beery, et al.
(2017) Naturvårdsverket
ReportPreliminary study of eco-friendly particleboard production based on wood waste material
Mahmood Hameed, Eric Rönnols, Torleif Bramryd
(2017) Holztechnologie, 58 p.26-34
Journal articlePerceptions of the ecosystem services concept: Opportunities and challenges in the Swedish municipal context
Thomas Beery, Sanna Stålhammar, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Christine Wamsler, Torleif Bramryd, et al.
(2016) Ecosystem Services, 17 p.123-130
Journal articleOperationalizing Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: Harnessing Ecosystem Services to Buffer Communities against Climate Change
Christine Wamsler, Lisa Niven, Thomas Beery, Torleif Bramryd, Nils Ekelund, et al.
(2016) Ecology & Society, 21
Journal articlePriority areas in municipality planning : Ecosystem services, environmental impact assessments and research areas
Thomas R. Palo, Karen Lagercrantz, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2016) One Ecosystem, 1
Journal articleInvestigating Willingness to Pay to Improve Water Supply Services: Application of Contingent Valuation Method
Kamshat Tussupova, Ronny Berndtsson, Torleif Bramryd, Raikhan Beisenova
(2015) Water, 7 p.3024-3039
Journal articleIndicators for consumers' willingness to pay to improve water supply services in Kazakhstan
Kamshat Tussupova, Ronny Berndtsson, Torleif Bramryd
Conference paper: abstractLong-term effects of sewage sludge application on the heavy metal concentrations in acid pine (Pinus sylvestris, L) forest soils in a climatic gradient in Sweden.
Torleif Bramryd
(2013) Forest Ecology and Management, 289 p.434-444
Journal articleDen Hållbara Skolstaden. Exempel på miljö- och energipedagogisk verksamhet och miljöstrategisk utvärdering av hållbar utveckling på gymnasieskolor.
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Energimyndigheten
ReportMulti-functional Eco-zones in H+ -Wetlands as climate change adaptation for a sound urban environment and social health
Torleif Bramryd, Andreas Eriksson
ReportHousehold participation in Waste management – Environmental and strategic evaluation of good examples for source separation of waste fractions
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Waste to Resources. Report to the INTERREG South Baltic programme
ReportGörarpsdammens framtid – undersökning och utvärdering av dammens multifunktioner
Torleif Bramryd, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Region Skånes Miljöfond
ReportDen Hållbara Skolstaden - Energieffektivisering och miljöarbete på gymnasieskolor i Helsingborg
Jan Kristoffersson, Janine af Klintberg, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Energimyndigheten
ReportDen Hållbara Skolstaden – En miljöstrategisk utvärdering av begreppet hållbar utveckling på gymnasieskolor
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Energimyndigheten, Stockholm
ReportThe business model of solid waste management in Sweden – A case study of two municipally-owned companies
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2012) Waste Management & Research, 30 p.512-518
Journal articleThe multiple market-exposure of waste management companies: A case study of two Swedish municipally owned companies.
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd
(2012) Waste Management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, 32 p.1722-1727
Journal articleThe multiple market exposure of Swedish municipally owned waste management companies
Torleif Bramryd, Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman
(2012) Proceedings Sardinia 2011 Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
Conference paperOptimized biogas recovery and sequestration of long-lived organic carbon in landfills as a process to balance increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2012) Proceedings The ISWA World Solid Waste Conference, Florence, Italy, September 17-19
Conference paperAckumulering av metaller i vegetation på geotekniska askkonstruktioner
Kristian Hemström, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Ola Wik
(2012) Avfall Sverige Rapport F2012:02
ReportNaturvärdesbedömning avseende del av Äsperöds 1:6, m.fl. ”Kiviks Musteri” (område mellan Kiviks Musteri och Stenshuvuds nationalpark), Simrishamns kommun, Skåne län.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2012) Rapport till Kiviks Musteri
ReportSequestration of organic matter in MSW landfills. A process to balance anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2012) Proceedings Linneus Eco-Tech´12, Kalmar, Sweden, November 26-28 2012.
Conference paperKonkurrenslagstiftningen hotar utvecklingen
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2011) Avfall och Miljö , p.25-25
Newspaper articleLandfills as moderators for climate change based on a combination of enhanced biogas extraction and sequestration of remaining long-lived organic matter in the landfill
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2011) Proc. Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 3-7 Oct 2011
Conference paperThe business model of Swedish municipal waste management companies
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2011) Research in Service Studies, 2011
Working paperThe multiple market-exposure of Swedish municipally owned waste management companies
Hervé Corvellec, Torleif Bramryd, Johan Hultman
(2011) Proceedings of the International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
Conference paperUtilization of incinerator slag during road construction and for remediation of landfill areas – heavy metal uptake in plant material as a potential limiting factor.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2011) Proc. Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 3-7 Oct 2011.
Conference paperFrom 'a farewell to landfill' to 'waste as resource'
Hervé Corvellec, Johan Hultman, Torleif Bramryd
Conference paperKlimat och Miljöstrategi i ett samlat perspektiv.
Torsten Persson, Christel Persson, Bengt Nihlgård, Torleif Bramryd
BookFörsök med markförbätrande åtgärder i Salix odling, Hedeskoga avfallsanläggning, SYSAV
Lars Brander, Martin Dahl, Torleif Bramryd
ReportUtredning angående spridning och eliminering av lukt från biologiska avfallsbehandlingsmetoder
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportLandfills as long-term sinks for organig carbon. An important parameter for reduction of global atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2007) Kalmar ECO-TECH´07 conference, Kalmar 26-28 Nov 2007
Conference paperThe role of landfills asaccumulators of organig carbon to compensate for CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Gustav Tham
(2007) Proc. Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 1-5Oct 2007.
Conference paperSlutrapport avseende uppbyggande av Miljöstrategi vid Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
ReportUtredning angående spridning och eliminering av lukt från biologiska avfallsbehandlingsmetoder
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportFörslag till framtida kollektivtrafikstrategi i Bjuvs kommun
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportMöjligheter till framtida uppehåll i Bjuv på sträckan Kristianstad – Helsingborg
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportIrrigation of landfill leachates in energy forests - A technique to recover nutrients from municipal solid wastes
Lars Brander, Martin Dahl, Torleif Bramryd
(2004) Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 154 p.213-224
Journal articlePhysical, chemical and biological processes for optimizing decentralized composting
W Hogland, Torleif Bramryd, M Marques, S Nimmermark
(2003) Compost Science & Utilization, 11 p.330-336
Journal articleMiljöstrategi och hållbart ledarskap: ekologi och ekonomi i samverkan
Torsten Persson, Christel Persson, Bengt Nihlgård, Torleif Bramryd
BookNess, B. & Bramryd, T. (2002) Closing Waste Loops: An Economic Comparison of Waste Treatment Systems in Sweden. , Cagliary, Italy. Oct. 2001.
Barry Ness, Torleif Bramryd
(2002) Sardinia Conference Proceedings
Conference paperImpact of sewage sludge application on the long-term nutrient balance in acid soils of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) forests
Torleif Bramryd
(2002) Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 140 p.381-399
Journal articleEffects of liquid and dewatered sewage sludge appliet to a Scots pine stand (Pinus Sylvestris L.) in Central Sweden
Torleif Bramryd
(2001) Forest Ecology and Management, 147 p.197-216
Journal articleLandfill bioreactorcells as anaerobic filtersfor controlled extraction of bio-energy and nutrients from municipal solid wastes
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Binder
(2001) The Environmentalist, 21 p.297-303
Journal articleComparison between former and present landfill techniques in respect to impacts on the environment
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Binder
(2001) Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 129 p.289-303
Journal articlePlastinblandad Cefyll som flexibelt isolerande substrat vid byggande av minirötningsceller s.k. Bioceller
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Binder, Bo Fransman, Lars Olsson, Roger Wisén
ReportUtnyttjande av fragmenterad hårdplast från elektronikskrot som fyllnadsmedel i Cefyll
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Binder, Bo Fransman
ReportInfluence of optimization on bioreactorlandfill performance
Michael Binder, Torleif Bramryd
(2001) Sardinia 01. Proc. Eighth International WasteManagement and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari),Sardinia, Italy, 1-5 Oct 2001.
Conference paperClosing waste loops: an economic comparison of waste treatment systems in Sweden
Ness Barry, Torleif Bramryd
(2001) Proc. Eighth International WasteManagement and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari),Sardinia, Italy, 1-5 Oct 2001.
Conference paperPhysical and chemical effects of unsorted fractions of industrial solid wastes in waste fuel storage.
William Hogland, Torleif Bramryd, I Persson
(1996) Waste Management & Research, 14 p.197-210
Journal articleRestprodukter som vitaliseringsmedel inom skogsbruket
Torleif Bramryd, Bo Fransman, Bengt Nihlgård
(1996) Skog & Forskning, 3 p.32-37
Journal articleLidingö - Förebild för ekologisk planering
Torleif Bramryd, Kjell Nilsson, Per Wallsten
(1989) Stad & Land, 77