Lena Eskilsson
Experimenting with experiments 2.0: using mixed methods to learn about information search behavior
Summary, in English
Speaking to tourism planners and reading tourism research, it seems as if the digitalization of information has completely changed tourists’ information search behavior. But is this really the case – have analog sources become irrelevant to tourists?
In order to capture these processes we set out on a mixed methods approach, investigating Germans’ information search behavior on their way to and through Sweden.
Interviews are combined with questionnaires and experiments.
We initially interviewed tourists visiting the municipalities of Ystad and Vimmerby, and asked about the information sources that were relevant for the choice of place.
In a second stage, we sent out questionnaires about information search behavior before and during travel, respectively. In a third stage, we include an experiment in which potential tourists plan a trip to Sweden via their computers at home. The task is to prepare a two-day-visit to Ystad or Vimmerby. The experiment enables us to both see the subjects’ movements, and to hear their comments. By this, we can learn how information search in the Internet is actually done. We argue that in a rapidly changing world, we also need a change and broadening use of methods in tourism research, and this experiment is one way of doing this.
- Institutionen för tjänstevetenskap
- Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
- Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation
Konferensbidrag: abstract
- Social and Economic Geography
Conference name
26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research
Conference date
2017-10-04 - 2017-10-06
Conference place
Falun, Sweden
- Besöksanledningens vara eller icke-vara: informationsspridningens betydelse för attraktioners framgång