Background and position:
PhD in Human Geography at Umeå University. Associate professor and Assistant Head of Department at the Department of Service Studies, Lund University. Researcher at the Department of Tourism Studies and Geography at Mid Sweden University.
Research area:
I am interested in mobilities and experiences. In my research projects, I try to find out how people move through time and space, and which kinds of experiences they have along the way. During the last years, focus has been on people involved in tourism- and leisure industries, and this includes both tourists and entrepreneurs. The study of mobility includes a special interest on method development. In a current study, we work with method improvements for GPS- and smartphone applications in order to capture visitor experiences along with their mobility in a Swedish amusement park.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Anywhere workers and the sustainable development of tourist destinations
Micol Mieli, Malin Zillinger
(2024) Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector , p.91-119
Book chapterPhygital time geography, or: what about technology in tourists' space-time behaviour?
Micol Mieli, Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2024) Tourism Geographies, 26 p.389-406
Journal articleThe impact of anywhere workers on the sustainable development of tourist destinations and industry : a literature review
Micol Mieli, Malin Zillinger
(2024) Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector
Book chapterTourism Resourcification
Johan Hultman, Hervé Corvellec, Malin Zillinger
(2024) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism , p.274-285
Book chapter“Why Not Study What Tourists Actually Do, Instead of Asking Them What They Think They Do?” A Call for More Experiments in Tourism and Hospitality Research
Malin Zillinger
(2023) Cutting Edge Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism , p.121-135
Book chapterInformation search in tourism
Malin Zillinger
(2022) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
Article in encyclopediaRemote effects of terrorism on tourists' notions of risk and safety
Christer Eldh, Malin Zillinger
(2022) Tourism Risk : Crises and recovery management , p.303-318
Book chapterFree guided tours
Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
Article in encyclopediaLearning on guided tours: historical perspectives
Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) Tourism, knowledge and learning : Conceptual development and case studies , p.40-57
Book chapterNaherholung und Tourismus an der schwedischen Ostseeküste
Dieter K. Müller, Malin Zillinger
(2022) Geographische Rundschau, 74 p.28-31
Journal articleTurism kan bidra till en god och hållbar samhällsutveckling
Malin Zillinger
(2021) Turismnytt
Journal articleAtt sätta en negativ stämpel på turism ger inte en mer hållbar värld
Malin Zillinger
(2021) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleSwedish Sports Clubs and Events during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Impacts and Responses
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Robert Pettersson, Malin Zillinger
(2021) Crisis Management and Recovery of events , p.193-212
Book chapterResande – en del av vardagen i ett globalt samhälle
Malin Zillinger
(2021) Organisation & Samhälle, 2 p.28-34
Journal articleCovid-19 och hållbara evenemang : Påverkan, anpassning och framtid för evenemang inom idrott och friluftsliv
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Robert Pettersson, Malin Zillinger
(2021) Mistra Sports and Outdoor
ReportTourism revisited : The influence of digitalisation on tourism concepts
Malin Zillinger
(2021) Report series ETOUR Working Paper
ReportÄven 2021 kan bli ett mörkt år för besöksnäringen
Ioanna Farsari, Maria Lexhagen, Erik Lundberg, Malin Zillinger
(2021) Besöksliv
Newspaper articleTourist information search in the age of mediatization
Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
(2020) The Routledge Companion to Media and Tourism , p.382-391
Book chapterFree Guided Tours : Storytelling as a means of glocalizing urban places
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
(2020) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 20 p.286-301
Journal articleTurisminnovationer i krisens spår – ett inspel från forskarvärlden
Christer Eldh, Malin Zillinger
(2020) Turism-nytt
Newspaper articleTurismen är samhällsbärande och inget vi ska sluta med
Malin Zillinger
(2020) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleTourist information channels as consumer choice: the value of tourist guidebooks in the digital age
Micol Mieli, Malin Zillinger
(2020) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 20 p.28-48
Journal articleThe curious case of online information search
Malin Zillinger
(2020) Current Issues in Tourism, 23 p.276-279
Journal article (letter)Hybrid tourist information search German tourists' combination of digital and analogue information channels
Malin Zillinger
(2020) Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20 p.510-510
Journal article (letter)Hostessing Tourists as Temporary Locals
Jane Widtfeldt Meged, Malin Zillinger
(2019) Fika, Hygge and Hospitality, 39 p.33-51
Book chapterMålinriktad informationssökning till olika besökargrupper i Helsingborg : Slutrapport
Malin Zillinger, Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson
ReportVärden som uppstår genom besökscentret Absolut Home i Åhus : Slutrapport för The Absolut Company
Malin Zillinger, Torleif Bramryd, Sara Hedström
ReportHostessing in the platform economy : a case study of guides and hosts in Copenhagen
Malin Zillinger
Conference - otherDelningsekonomin som förändringsfaktor i urban turism
Malin Zillinger, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2019) Ymer 2019 : Turismens och resandets utmaningar, 139 p.97-118
Book chapterWhat's new in tourist search behaviour? : A study of German Tourists in Sweden
Malin Zillinger, Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportSchweden, Schweden : Forskningsstudie om hur den tyske turisten söker information om svenska besöksmål
Malin Zillinger, Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportThere is no such thing as a free walk : Spatial implications of shared guiding developments
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
Conference paper: abstractDisruptive Network Innovation in Free Guided Tours
Jane Widtfeldt Meged, Malin Zillinger
(2018) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 18 p.303-318
Journal articleKärleken till den analoga semesterresan
Malin Zillinger
(2018) Ikaros - tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen
Journal articleThe whys or why nots of visiting a place: information search at home and en route
Lena Eskilsson, Malin Zillinger, Maria Månsson
Conference paper: abstractThe practice of targeting visitors to urban destinations – a critical discussion of DMOs information strategies
Lena Eskilsson, Malin Zillinger, Maria Månsson
Joakim Malm, Arthur Holmer, Leif Bryngfors, Lise-Lotte Mörner, Annelie Augustinsson, et al.
ReportDoes method matter? : Understanding experience data collected through different mobile techniques
Malin Zillinger, Ingrid Zakrisson
(2017) E-Review of Tourism Research, 14 p.149-166
Journal articleWhy should we teach tourism at universities?
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
Conference - otherExperimenting with experiments 2.0: using mixed methods to learn about information search behavior
Malin Zillinger, Lena Eskilsson, Maria Månsson
Conference paper: abstractLifestyle (im)mobilities - between micro and macro geographies
Malin Zillinger
Conference paperThe geography of team park mobility : Interpretations of visitor tracks, experiences and methods
Malin Zillinger, Johan Lilja
Conference paper: abstractServicearbetet i tid och rum. Om mobilitetens vara och icke vara i livsstilsentreprenörers vardag
Malin Zillinger
(2014) Servicearbetet i tid och rum. Om mobilitetens vara och icke vara i livsstilsentreprenörers vardag , p.90-102
Book chapterTrends in European tourism planning and organisation
Malin Zillinger
(2014) Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22 p.1269-1271
ReviewValue creating processes as part of the university curriculum
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Malin Zillinger
Conference paperGuided Tours and Tourism
Malin Zillinger, Mikael Jonasson, Petra Adolfsson
(2012) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 12 p.1-7
Journal article (comment)Emotions in motion: tourist experiences in time and space
Ingrid Zakrisson, Malin Zillinger
(2012) Current Issues in Tourism, 15 p.505-523
Journal articleTime and Space in Event Behaviour: Tracking Visitors by GPS
Malin Zillinger, Robert Pettersson
(2011) Tourism Geographies, 13 p.1-20
Journal article